Richard Klavans and Kevin Boyack mapped different scientific disciplines to show their relationships with each other, and where the research is being done. You can find what disciplines are studied by geographical location, industries, institutions, or topics. They analyzed 1.6 million scientific articles to contruct the maps! For example: the map on the left represents all the disciplines; the map on the right shows that in Boston, research is primarily concentrated in the medical field (red). Link. More information here. -via Metafilter
Richard Klavans and Kevin Boyack mapped different scientific disciplines to show their relationships with each other, and where the research is being done. You can find what disciplines are studied by geographical location, industries, institutions, or topics. They analyzed 1.6 million scientific articles to contruct the maps! For example: the map on the left represents all the disciplines; the map on the right shows that in Boston, research is primarily concentrated in the medical field (red). Link. More information here. -via Metafilter
Do you know of anyone who is duplicating the map of science project, by mapping the research that's been created about poverty, racism, and education deficits in America? Such an aggregation of information might help us connect more people from beyond poverty with kids and tutor/mentor programs in poverty areas.
Our maps are created by volunteers, so if our project is of interest to any of your network, we'd like to have your help.
Dan Bassill
Tutor/Mentor Connection