Copyright Fight to the Death by the Founder of Mother's Day.

Meet Anna Jarvis, the woman who made it her life's work to popularize Mother's Day, got horrified over its commercialization, and tried to take it back via a copyright fight (which left her to die in poverty).

But within years it had become commercialised. Ms Jarvis was horrified. She tried to take action, incorporating herself as the Mother's Day International Association and claiming copyright on the date.

Along with her sister Ellsinore, Anna spent the entire family inheritance on trying to undo the damage done to Mother's Day. One of her protests even got her arrested for disturbing the peace. She died in 1948, in poverty and without success.


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Kind of like all the kids that find out when they are 13 that they were lied to about Santa Clause. Santa has nothing to do with Christ or Christmas, but yet the marketing machine spews it out each fall. No wonder kids don't trust their parents as teenagers and/or adults.
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You didn't get anything right.
She was a visionary ahead of her time. She just didn't want her idea turning into a corporate retail whore festival. It's too bad that we can't hold anything sacred anymore without letting loose all of the retail trend lemmings.
Too bad the old Blue Laws were done away with.
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She really didn't liked the idea of other peoples making money with her ideas... to the point she was ready to spend money to prevent people from making money out of her ideas!

Did I got that right?
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