Archive for March 15th, 2007

Burger King - The Movie.

Just in case you haven't seen enough of the creepy King from the Burger King advertisements, he's about to make the jump to the big screen. Burger King has confirmed that the feature length movie could hit theaters...

String-Net Liquid, a New Type of Matter.

Scientists have created a new state of matter, and a possible picture of the nature of space-time itself:Xiao-Gang Wen at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Michael Levin at Harvard University ran with Lau...

Tiger Bone Wine.

World Wildlife Fund and TRAFFIC, a wildlife trade monitoring group, said that this tiger bone wine - made by steeping carcasses in large vats of rice wine - can cause tigers to be hunted to extinction. Link...

Unabomber's Homemade Gun.

As a part of the evidence collected in the case against Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, is this homemade gun: Link | More gruesome pic of homemade bombs here: Link - via Cellar IoTD...

Vacuum Cleaner Saved Hamster.

Henry the Hamster got stuck in a kitchen pipe and had to be saved with ... a vacuum cleaner!After the RSPCA failed to reach him, help was sought from two council wardens who tied a number of hamster ladders and Curly...

Heart Attack City: Bacon, Cheese and Beer Hot Dog.

I feel my arteries clogging just reading the Stuff Magazine recipe on how to make this bacon, cheese and beer hot dog. - via Supersize Meals and eBaumsWorld...

Breakout with Marshmallows!

Only the Japanese can make the video game Breakout this much fun (played with 32 marshmallow blocks!). Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via The Last Boss and Gorilla Mask...

Malls to Rowdy Teen: Not Accompanied by an Adult? Get Lost!

Tired of rowdy teenagers, malls across the United States have adopted a new strategy (that seems to be working): no teenagers during evening hours unless accompanied by adults!In 1995, the Mall of America had more th...

Grow Your Own Slimy Dress from Beer!

This is weird: Australian researcher Gary Cass of the Micro 'be' Seamless Wear project and colleagues have perfected the science of making dresses from fermented fabric.The researchers used bacteria to "grow" s...

Clouded Leopard Actually a New, Separate Species.

The secretive clouded leopard of the Borneo rainforest are actually a new, separate species:"Who said a leopard can never change its spots? For over a hundred years we have been looking at this animal and never...

Renault's Grass Mat Really Holds Your Gadgets.

Carmaker Renault has introduced a dashboard mat called "Grass Mat" that really works for holding your iPod, cellphones and other gadgets.

Rachmaninov had Big Hands!

[] Aleksey Igudesman and Richard Hyung-ki Joo met as 12-year-old students at the Yehudi Menuhin School of Music. Their music/comedy show, A Little Nighmare Music has played all over...

Life Size Blue Whale.

The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society has posted a life size picture of a Blue Whale! Its so big that a map of the photograph is included to make it easier for you to know what you are seeing. Lin...

What is It? Game 15

This week's collaboration with What is it? Blog brings us this strange object - can you guess what it is? For more fun guessing game (and for dimensions clue on this object), check out What is It? blog.[No prize this wee...

Say No to Crack Wins 2007 Bloggies for Best New Blog.

Congratulations to one of Neatorama's authors: Anita of Say No to Crack for winning the 2007 Bloggies for Best New Blog! Yay!...

Marriage Proposals Gone Wrong.

Proposal Gone Wrong is having a video contest about marriage proposals that didn't exactly go as planned (ouch!): LinkMore links about marriage proposals at Miss Cellania: Link...

Super Strong Grandma Pulled Two Trucks with Her Mouth.

Last year, then 72-year-old Chinese grandma Wang Xiaoya pulled (with her mouth!) a 4-ton truck loaded with people. This year, she outdid herself: she towed two vehicles with a combined total weight of 5 tons: Link...

18th Century Obstetrical Models.

The Anatomical Museum in Modena, Italy, has a very cool collection of obstetrical models made by Giovan Battista Manfredini in 1775. [warning: teratology sect...

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