Archive for March 14th, 2007

Scientist Can Wipe Specific Memory from Rats.

Scientists are now able to wipe a single, specific memory from the brains of rats, leaving other memories intact. ... they trained rats to fear two different musical tones, by playing them at the same time as giving...

The Real Jackalopes: Rabbits with Shope Papillomavirus Infection.

These rabbits are the *real* jackalopes - they got the grotesque horns all over their body after being infected with the Shope papillomavirus. - via Spluch...

Painting with Ketchup.

EclecticAsylum uses french fries as paintbrush and ketchup as ink! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Say No to Crack...

Mo' Money Voodoo Doll.

Who knew that making more money is as easy as buying a mo' money man voodoo doll?For just $35, you'll get this doll that wears two $100 bills! That's an instant return of 470%! ;)Ah, if only making money were that easy (...

Bizarre Japanese Guy on a Pogo Stick.

These japanese dudes, all dressed up as bugs, hop on a pogo stick to jump onto a platform, which gets higher with every jump. As if that's not bizarre enough, see how it ends: Link [YouTube video]...

Bicycle Chains Bowl.

Elsewares has this cool bowl made from recycled bicycle chains.

Punitive Shoes.

These shoes, euphimistically named "ballet shoes," are sold by the more-approriately-named company called Punitive Shoes ... - via Naked Garlic...

Red Cross Earthquake Awareness Shock Ad.

The Red Cross creatively used the power of optical illusion to shock viewers in its earthquake-awareness campaign in San Francisco: Link...

A Solar Eclipse Unlike Any Other.

This is not an artist's rendering or a photo of a star in another solar system. The photograph actually shows our moon passing in front of the sun, as seen from 1.6 million kilometers behind the earth. Link...

Girls Hair Too Tall For Mugshot

Anna Clifford, who was arrested for drunk driving, caused the police photographer to take several steps back to incorporate the full extent of her 18in-high mohawk. No, there's nothing neat about drunk driving. Bu...

Stephen Colbert Inherited Captain America's Shield.

After Captain America [wiki] was killed (for the fourth and presumably final time), we found out that "star spangled avenger has bequeathed his most valuable possession, his indestructible shield to the only man he...

Eyetracking Study: Men Stare at Crotches.

When usability expert Jacob Nielsen conducted an eyetracking experiment to improve the effectiveness of news article design, he discovered that men (but not women) stare at crotches!Although both men and women look a...

NES Controller Messenger Bag.

Inspired by this Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) controller purse, Craftster user frogz created this awesome NES messenger bag! Link - via Craftzine and Urban Retro Lifestyle, Thanks Tahir!...

Las Vegas Stardust Hotel and Casino Implosion.

Yesterday, the Stardust hotel and casino in Las Vegas was imploded, complete with some awesome celebratory fireworks beforehand! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]...

$1,000 Pizza At New York City Restaurant

It's topped with creme fraiche, chives, eight ounces of four different kinds of Petrossian caviar, four ounces of thinly sliced Maine lobster tail, salmon roe, and a little bit of spice with wasabi. Anybody want...

Celebrate Pi!

Today is Pi Day! Why? Because the date on the calendar is 3/14. Make mine blackberry! Metafilter has lots of ways to celebrate Pi Day. Link...

Geek Pretzels.

The Evil Mad Scientist laboratories made pretzels in all kinds of geeky shapes. Pictured are the symbols for infinity, paragraph (pilcrow), and the Mac command key. Link...

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