Urine-Powered Battery.

In 2005, Singapore scientist King Bang Lee and colleagues invented a battery powered by urine:

To make the battery, Lee and his colleagues soaked a piece of paper in a solution of copper chloride and sandwiched it between strips of magnesium and copper. This sandwich was then laminated between two sheets of transparent plastic.

When a drop of urine is added to the paper through a slit in the plastic, a chemical reaction takes place that produces electricity, Lee said.

The prototype battery produced about 1.5 volts, the same as a standard AA battery, and runs for about 90 minutes. Researchers said the power, voltage, and lifetime of the battery can be improved by adjusting the geometry and materials used.

Link - via Weird Asia News

Yeah, like would pregnant women's urine be more powerful, or some health nut dude who dosed up on B vitamins? Or would there be a difference in the voltage generated by, say, that strong-smelling deep yellow first-of-the-morning wizz you have, as compared to really weak and watery I've-been-drinking-beer-all-evening-and-my-pee-is-clear kind of urine...?

Yeah, I just read all that...and it's kinda graphic...but you know what I mean, right?
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How do they come up with that stuff... im guessing they got frustrated with their experiments and just urinated on their project and it worked.

What do you guys think?
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# Anita Says:
March 12th, 2007 at 12:52 am

WOW! So in the future if you see someone standing up on a plane and peeing on their laptop, maybe they really aren’t crazy …

Wellll that or they are trying to put out thier now flaming macbook Maybe this is the answer to all those laptob battery flameouts lol.
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