Zany Brazilian prank videos

What better way to spend a winter evening than looking at kooky Brazilian prank videos?

In the video above [YouTube] the men in the box are chanting "curious" to lure their victims in.

Here are several other clips from the same show:
I love the fact that almost to a person, the prank victims in these videos usually end up striking or throwing something at the pranksters. There are many more, but they aren't terribly funny if you can't understand Portuguese.

Bonus video (different show): Remote-controlled skeleton on a motorbike [YouTube]

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For contrast, go to Youtube and search for "Just For Laughs Gags". These pranks are more elaborate, and (I think) much cleverer. The Montrealers who are victimized almost always end up laughing. Brazilians seem pretty tightly wound.
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