Samuel L. Jackson Pulp Fiction Dialogue Represented Using Typography

Is it possible to represent a complete dialogue of Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction using only typography?

Hit the Play button to find out or follow the link to a higher resolution video.

Link [Quicktime HR video] - via Chaosware Unlimited (warning: strong language).

hip... hip like peeing in an empty soda can and then forgetting about it and drinking it later in the middle of the night- but SiKE it is FULL of pee. no sorry i got that mixed up, that was stupid. i prefer the film version. i'll agree it was creative and in terms of design it was a joy to behold but can we focus our creativity on more meaningful things? how about a poem by maya angelou next time you want to parade around internet-town how hip and out-of-the-box you can be. okay? get back to me when you do. i hope you read this and then rub into my wounded ego the maya angelou poem that i sarcastically suggested in this post. i dare you, I DOUBLE DARE YOU
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I won't. I'm pretty sure I will prefer Becquer afterall.

I love your comments, please post more like those!

I would like you to send me links to your comments in other blogs, you troll.
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