Archive for March 7th, 2007

Note Table

This giant 'post-it note table' consists of 5,000 sheets of paper bound with PVA glue. The table is great for scribbling notes or doodling on and if you spill something on it, tear off the sheet and you've got a new...

Lylie Fisher's Bubble Chamber Art.

San Francisco-based artist Lylie Fisher took the original bubble chamber images made by particle accelerators and turn them into works of art!Link | Lylie's website...

Pale Blue Dot, a Tribute to Carl Sagan.

Pale Blue Dot is a music video tribute to Carl Sagan made by YouTube user Ice Core Scientist. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks andrea!...

The Inflatable Super Colon.

We've seen the inflatable church, spa, and pub before on Neatorama, now it's Super Colon, the giant inflatable colon's turn!The SUPER COLON, an inflatable, 20-foot long, 8-foot high replica of a human colon, is an in...

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Cloak on Sale.

London theatrical costume company Angels is auctioning off some iconic movie costumes, like the Star Wars cloak worn by Alex Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi:But buyers were waiting for the star lot at the Bonhams sal...

The Americone Dream.

Run out and grab a pint of Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream, a delightful blend of vanilla, caramel and chocolate-covered Waffle Bits. (Surprisingly, there are no “Colberries,” to use the Fren...

What’s the Orange Ball For?

Watch and see why combinis and banks have them in Japan. Click Play or go to Link [YouTube]. Found at Japan Probe....

The Earphone Necklace.

Jewelry should be something everyone wants, it used to be that everyone wanted diamonds--now everyone wants MP3 players. Anna Tascha Larsson a jewelry designer still in school in Stockholm heard the many reports...

Come In / Go Away Doormat.

Suck UK has a doormat which uses a clever typography: one side reads "Come In" but when you flip it, it reads "Go Away". Link - via ArbroathSee also: Love/Hate Shirt....

Cassini's Saturn Pics.

Cassini-Huygens [wiki] took some breathtaking pictures of Saturn. This small photo of Saturn really didn't do it justice - see the larger pic at the Cassini Imaging Diary - via Militant Platypus...

World's Largest Bubble Wall.

World's largest bubble wall was created by Fang Yan in 1997. The wall measured 156 feet (47.4 m) in length with a surface area of about 4000 square feet (370 m²).

The Fart Artist.

As an entertainer, Joseph Pujol had a unique talent:On stage, dressed in a fine red coat and black britches, Le Pétomane began each performance by explained to his audience that his emissions were odorless. Af...

Public Restroom the Dirtiest Place? Think Again!

Think that public restrooms are the dirtiest place? Not so, according to scientists from the International Journal of Environmental Health Research.After collecting 1,100 samples at public places like airports, offices,...

La Traviata.

Verdi’s la Traviata, musically interpreted by Coro dell' Accademia di Santa Cecilia of Rome, and portrayed in this video by... I don’t know what they are besides amusing! Push play or go to YouTube. -via...

Super Mario Doom.

A programmer in Peru made a version of Doom modded to feature characters from Super Mario! - via GorillaMask...

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