Look at This blog has 5 YouTube clips of drunken animals (including monkey, squirrel, cat, dog, elephant, giraffe, warthog, ostrich, wildebeest ...)
The first clip is quite interesting. It's about monkeys at S. Kits who sneakily steal drinks from unsuspecting tourists on the beach.
It tells us that monkey's drinking habit is just like humans: some will do anything for alcohol whereas some are teetotalers who avoid it in favor for soft drinks. Even the percentage is similar: 12% drink regularly in moderation, whereas 5% will drink to the last drop.
Good advice. It took me years to break the habit and it is only now that I can see the harm it has done me. Not to mention this tattoo.
He was always there sitting right next to me looking at me drink purring and meowing like if he was begging me to share some.
I got used to give him a full spoon of whatever I was drinking ( He didn't liked strong liqueur like tequila ). All I can tell is that even if it's in small quantities, alchool considerably reduce the immune system of cats and give them urinary infections.
Dont do it. Even if it's funny and cute those substances are very harmfull to animals.