192 Nations in Ten Minutes.

You had a lot of fun naming the fifty nifty Unites States in ten minutes. Now for the real challenge: how many of the 192 countries who are members of the United Nations can you name in ten minutes? I got nearly half of them. The nerve-rattling clock and my typing skills betrayed me. Link -via the Presurfer

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I missed 74 countries, but found that my typing them slowed me down. I could certainly name them faster. Also, I tried "Congo" and "Democratic Republic of Congo" but it wanted "Democratic Republic of THE Congo". I also couldn't figure out why it wouldn't accept "Zimbabwae" (there's only supposed to be one "a", and I didn't have a chance with "St. Kitts" (It wanted "Saint Kitts"). It didn't accept "Federated States of Micronesia", and since when is New Guinea not a country? Some countries I knew but didn't have a hope of typing. You try to spell "Kyrgyzstan" without a reference.
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notChang - it's done with a projector so it'll be rather cheaper to make.

Strange choice of image. There are so many things they /could/ have done with it - but no, they descend to scantily clad women.

You could have balls of fire with explosions when they collide.
You could have tendrils of beautiful plants unfurling behind the ball with showers of seeds on impact.
A comet flying through space with planetary creation for the impact.

But no - revealing glimpses of a woman trumps the lot. How very predictable.
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BikerRay: good comparison.

Yup, gotta have a picture of a scantily-clad woman to distract investors from the fact that it's a really dumb idea.
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I think the "cheesecake" is there because this particular installation is in Esquires ultimate bachelor pad. May have been the magazines choice, who knows?

As for an LCD, I wouldn't want to masse on that. The whole point of doing it this way is to preserve the feel and play of the table.

And and yes it is an overpriced pointless luxury item... the 125,000 probably doesn't even include the table to play on.

Could probably do this for way less with some sort of open source software, a laptop, a video camera, and a much cheaper projector.
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Some people cant just enjoy good old fashion entertainment.Half dressed good looking women have entertained people for many years before some overweight depressed pissed off fat girl decided that she is mad that noone looks at her and has to take it out on men on the web.Get over yourself and relax.Life is to short.Besides prostitution is the worlds oldest profession that was created by women.
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