Japan Probe writes: Am I the only person a little grossed-out by a news feature in which a reporter approaches people on the street and asks men to show her their ear wax scrapers? The reporter also visits a store to see the latest in ear cleaning technology, and then shows us some relaxing ear cleaning salons. Nothing beats putting your head on the lap of a yukata-clad young woman as she scraps the gunk out of your ears!
Click Play or go to Link [YouTube].
(Thanks to Japan Probe for this clip.)
also, my auntie was paralyzed on one side of her body because something went too far in her ear, so there you go. scary eh!
Furthermore, what's the point of belly-button lint?
How far behind will the U.S. fall before we have to spend billions of dollars in an Apollo-style crash research program to close the earwax gap? I mean, we were the home of the Human Genome Project! It's another example of Japan taking an American achievement and turning it against us! Blah! Blah! Rant! Rant!