Giant Sinkhole Swallowed Dozen Homes in Guatemala City.

A 330-foot-deep sinkhole swallowed about a dozen homes in Guatemala City:

Officials blamed the sinkhole on recent rains and an underground sewage flow from a ruptured main. The two bodies were found near the enormous fissure, floating in a river of sewage.

The pit emitted foul odors, loud noises and tremors, shaking the surrounding ground. A rush of water could be heard from its depths, and authorities feared it could widen or others could open up.


I refuse to believe that they (the government) didn't know what was going on, I mean come on people were saying the ground was shaking and making sounds for a while, as to a pipe being clogged up to make that type of hole, sorry I don't buy it. Something else is going on and someone is trying to cover it up.
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I cant even imagine what that must look like or feel like. It is so deep and dark. OMG, that is a HollyWood Movie in the beginning. What would someone do, or where would you run? but in a sciantific manner, that has to be an unbelievable cavern view. I want to see videos of the bottom. I hope no one else fell, though, and the uncle is just missing above ground!
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Let me rephrase their statement
"This weekend some rain and a broken pipe cause a freakin football-field-deep chasm to devour a small bit of town. Locals smell poo. Government says 'meh'."

"Nothing to see here folks ...except for the giant Cave of Doom that must now be appeased by human sacrifices before it devours us all with its mighty wrath."
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If i recall correctly, these things are caused by things like depletion of underground water resevoirs. These things happen all the time in south america, and in other places in the world. People keep pumping out underground lakes which leads to all sorts of underground feature changes which leads to dome erosion and, eventually, sinkholes.
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its horrible, just think about the people who drowned in the river of sewage, it swallowed a whole family, its like someone has shot a bullet through the heart of mother earth and perforated it...
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"The two bodies were found near the enormous fissure,". Which two bodies? Using "The" means there means two specific bodies that you have already mentioned. Remove the The and your sentence makes perfect sense.
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Argh. I need a proofreader for my proofreading comments...

“The two bodies were found near the enormous fissure,”. Which two bodies? Using “The” there means two specific bodies that you have already mentioned. But you haven't previously mentioned any bodies. Remove the The and your sentence makes perfect sense.

I blame this blatant lack of judgement all on cheap women and loose beer. Or something to that effect.
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Luna, if you want to find signs for the apocalypse you have centuries before you, AND after you, of bad shite to reference: The black plague, the discovery of the earth being round, the Norse Gods, Greek gods, Roman gods, and Christian God being capricious, etc. Volcanoes; The extinction of the dinosaurs; Tsunamis throughout the passed millions of years; The big bang.
This is an example of physics, not the end of the ages.
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This is why you should always call your local plumber and look up the name of his company in the "Better to do the digging and not try to save money and do it yourself.
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Here it is the true story what happen. It was a underground stream and yes a lot of towns are made on top of them and when the under ground stream becomes more than a stream like this one well you get sinkhole
If you look and the dirt in the rim of the sink hole you will see wet dirty al most to the top of the whole . With the lack of proper drainage you will see alot more of this .hopeful not as bad as this one.
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For some to say its a sign of the End of the World well I think there are alot of other signs that are man made that you can say its the end of the world.The only sign here is a back up of a underground river. They need to go down in the sinkhole and route the stream or river and see what made it have a backflow or back pressure to cause a back up down . Also reinforce the ground around the sink and have every move away from it. But not a taxs payers cost
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