The Phoenix airport on Friday became the first in the United States to test new X-ray technology that can see through people's clothes and show the body's contours with blush-inducing clarity.
Just for the record, the asterisks above blocked a medical term for a bodily opening...not anything rude (despite the fact that the letter count could work for either!) ROFLM*O!
The government are drawing up plans to introduce this sort of scanner in street lamposts.
I've had to take to lining my underpants with tin-foil.
Marvin The Magnificent
And about the whole "best light" of the poor naked man - you never know what it might look like when it's ready for action.
The article says "your doctor sees you naked all the time". I doubt that airport security staff will be as professional about it as doctors.
I predict a lot of ladies going through these things.