Archive for February 19th, 2007

The Boss Toss.

Relieve some work-related stress by launching miniature executives into the air with the Boss Toss. You can’t tell your managers to take a hike, but you can send them flying! Load little plastic executives...

Stereo Stilettos.

These creative speakers were created by designer Jacob Matthew. The ladies high heels act as the main speakers while the leather purse acts as a sub-woofer. Link - via Shiny Shiny...

Radiators of the Future

Every month, DesignBoom hosts a competition where aspiring designers can show off their skills by creating futuristic, yet usable, everyday objects. This month's contest results highlight the best "Radical Radia...

Carlos Diez's Weird Animal Mask Costumes.

Spanish designer Carlos Diez sure can make some weird clothes (or at least those masks that the models had to wear on the runway!): Link - via WMMNA and Scribal Terror...

Delete Key Pencil Eraser.

Here's a palm-sized pencil "Tersumus" eraser shaped like the delete key on a computer keyboard - surely it's a big eraser for big mistakes! Link | from Art. Lebedev - via Boing Boing...

Mario Lego Creations.

Destrucoid has a neat gallery of Mario-themed Lego creations: Link - via Eduyayo...

Real Life Calvin and Hobbes Snowman Car Crash.

derMoerder built a "Snowy Tribute to Calvin and Hobbes," composed of snowmen in a car crash! Link - via Miss Cellania...

Spock's Spacesuit For Sale.

Currently being auctioned on eBay: the authentic spacesuit worn by Spock during a mindmeld with the V'ger [wiki] Probe in Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)Link - via Random Good Stuff...

Frank Kozik's Mickey Mao Sculpture.

This sculpture by Frank Kozik, named "Bird is the Word," is Mao with Mickey Mouse ears!Link - via Say No to Crack...

The Cave Castle in Slovenia.

Predjamski grad, or Castle in Front of the Cave, is an amazing looking castle near Postojna, Slovekia Slovenia. Here's the story of the castle, by Flickr user JumpinJack:Legend says that none of Ravbar's men knew whe...

The Ultimate Home Office PC Setup.

You're looking at the sweet home office setup of Stefan Didak. No, he doesn't work at the NSA - well, at least to the extent that he cared to admit. He's a software developer.Link - via A Welsh View...

Modern Rowers Can't Pass the Trireme Test.

In 427 BC, the Greek city-state of Athens crushed a revolt in Mytilene on the Aegean island of Lesbos. The Athenian assembly decided that all men in Mytilene should be killed in punishment and dispatched the order...

Cuban Amusement Park

This Cuban amusement park doesn't look too exciting. More pics here. via Madville...

The Wall Street Kid.

What could you do with $500,000 ? As seen on NES WORLD. Question > Does anyone remember playing this videogame?...

The HUF Quake.

Back in 2006, HUF, a San Francisco based store, created this all over print cap to commemorate the terrible earthquake of 1906 (100 years later). Found at Sold Out....

The BBC meets Hard Gay.

BBC's Jonathan Ross interviews Japanese pro-wrestler-turned-celebrity Hard Gay. As seen on Japanator. Click Play or go to Link [YouTube]....

Star Wars Manamana Song.

[]Here's a funny Star Wars and Manamana song (from the Muppets) mash up. I think the funniest big comes at the end! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Balthazar!...

The Venus Project by Jacque Fresco

Jacque Fresco [wiki], an industrial engineer and economist, thinks there's a better future for humanity with more beautiful and cheaper housing, industries, and energy solutions. His Venus Project showcased cities in...

More Street Pixel Art.

These students from the University of North Carolina used chalk to paint street paver stones as pixels. They made a really big Bowser (The badass from Super Mario Bros.) After the paint was almost done some cops...

Orange Food Fight in Italy.

Today's Cellar / Neatorama Image of the Week is actually a series of photos from the ceremonial food fight (done with oranges!) in Italy. Check out Cellar Image of the Day for the full story: Link...

Presidential Quiz: Are You Fit to be President?

Are you presidential material? Find out by taking this short fun quiz from mental_floss:The truth is, not everyone has what it takes to be the Prez. That’s why this President’s Day we’re helping sor...

Portrait Illustration Maker.

I made this with the Portrait Illustration Maker. Any resemblance to actual persons would be surprising to me... just kidding! In case you can’t recognize my hurried attempts, this is supposed to be Neatorama au...

Win a Radical Trip to Dracula's Hometown.

Prepare to win a radical trip to Dracula's hometown. Are you ready for a bloody good time in Transylvania? We'll send you there to see the legendary Dracula's Castle and haunting grounds if you win this one week...

Julian "Pavement Picasso" Beever Painting Process.

Neatorama reader Kristin Foster told us that the agency she works for recently asked sidewalk chalk artist Julian Beever to create "Fountain of Youth" in Union Square in New York City a few weeks ago.Here's a v...

Adidas Year of the Pig Tee

This Adidas t-shirt celebrates the year of the pig. Found at Sold Out. Question > Can anyone translate the Chinese text?...

Best 7-Up Commercial Ever.

When Pac-Man [wiki] meets 7-Up [wiki]. Click Play or go to Link [YouTube]....

The Nike Air Book.

This book pays homage to the legendary Air cushion. It comes in a box with a real Nike Air cushion. As seen on Sold Out....


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