A great illustration of taboo boundaries though - a process extolling the virtues of faux cannibalism, but the the 'victim's' pubic hair has been pixellated out.
Parts of the Japanese culture is so odd. As if they are so innocent and child like they don't seem to be disturbed by the same issues morality. (And yes, this is a gross generality but I'm referencing this odd picture, and the potty restaurants and the million other odd Japanese "entertainments" you see on the web.)
A great illustration of taboo boundaries though - a process extolling the virtues of faux cannibalism, but the the 'victim's' pubic hair has been pixellated out.
Human beings are weird.
Either way, it's definitely not something I'd be ordering...blegh...
Well, at least they've stopped eating whale meat.
This makes a mockery out of real cannibalism.
Would the monkey do it?
http://monkeytypesthebible.com - weird everything