Archive for February 17th, 2007

Trey Ratcliff's HDR Photography.

Trey Ratcliff of Stuck in Customs is a fantastic HDR photographer. All of his shots are amazing (like this one of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at night), but I particularly like this one of Holland.Check out his blog and be pr...

Calder's Eagle Statue Got an Eaglet!

An unknown artist left an eaglet in a nest next to Alexander Calder's Eagle sculpture in Belltown's Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle. Link - via Boing Boing...

Black Nuke Piggy Bank: Drop the Bomb to Get at Your Money!

Superbitus is a piggy bank made by Art. Lebedev's Studio to look like a black nuclear bomb: when it's full, just drop the bomb to get at the money inside! Link - via Chip Chick and Gizmodo...

Cleopatra Was Actually One Ugly Queen.

Academics studying ancient Roman coins with the images of Mark Antony and Cleopatra said that the pair are actually quite ugly:According to the likenesses on opposite sides of the coin, Mark Antony had bulging eyes, a th...

Kid's Drawings Redrawn by Professional Illustrators.

What would happen if you give some artists a kid's drawing to copy and make their own? Here are some kid creatures redrawn by professional illustrators and artists. Link...

VirtuSphere: Virtual Reality Without Running into Walls.

While it's not exactly a Star Trek Holodeck, VirtuSphere is definitely big step in the world of virtual reality: it eliminates bumping into walls!The VirtuSphere platform consists of a large hollow sphere that sits o...

Palm Treo Lego Charging Cradle.

Kerry Woo was looking around for a charging cradle for a Palm Treo and decided to build one out of Lego! Link - via Engadget...

Scientist Pwns Male Bird with Fembot!

Dr. Gail Patricelli of the University of California at Davis is using a fembot to trick male sage-grouse into performing a mating dance!Link (with video goodness [mov]) - via Robot Gossip...

Viagra Saved Baby's Life.

This baby owed its life to viagra. No, not the way you think:Lewis Goodfellow was born at 24 weeks weighing just 1lb 8oz. One of his lungs had failed and not enough oxygen was able to get into his bloodstream.*e...

Bizarro: When Sloth Rides a Subway.

This Bizarro panel reminds me of this story about some scientists who gave up after 3 years trying to make a sloth move!For more Bizarro goodness, check out Dan Piraro's website: Link...

The Gorilla Boogers.

Gorilla boogers are a Japanese snack. They're actually just a bunch of raisin-like black beans, I think, but they're marketed as those funk-nasty snot rockets that caged gorillas like to shoot at spectators at th...

Cosby and the Ribs.

Cosby Clothing (no relation to Bill Cosby [wiki]), a Los Angeles based company, made this Ribs crewneck. For more info click here....

Macho Madness.

Mr. Savage, I have no idea what you're talking about but you've got some neat sunglasses! Found at Monkeys for Helping. Click Play or go to Link [YouTube]....

The Klaxons.

There's just something awesome about this music video. Found at Rockers NYC. Click Play or go to Link [YouTube]....

World's Largest Community Drawing Experiment?

Drawball is a site that allows anyone to draw whatever they wish on a large virtual "canvas". Each user can only draw a tiny amount per day (approximately equal to 1/10,000th of the surface), so advertisers and onli...

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