The Whale Burger.

This is a Reuters video report on a Japanese restaurant owner that has introduced a whale burger. According to the report, young customers like the whale burger.

Question #1 > Any readers have opinions on the taste of whale meat?

Question #2 > Does anyone remember Shamu?

Click Play or go to Link [YouTube].

Found at Japan Probe.

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Bacon tastes good, Don - and how did the guy know you were Jewish when he typed that? You only revealed that a half-hour after he posted. I presume your apology is ready, so I’ll let it go.
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To answer the questions backward: yes, I remember Shamu, having once been one of the lucky children chosen to sit on him after the show; and no, I didn't taste him.
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I've been looking for a place that serves dolphin for a while but to no avail here in California. It always turns out to be the dolphin fish and not the mammal, which is disappointing. Ever since tuna fish went "dolphin free" it has never tasted the same to me. I can't help but think it was the dolphin, but I'll hold my opinion on the taste until I get my mouth around a dolphin steak.

In any case, I prefer to leave my morality outside the dining room.

There are too many human rights issues to be concerned with, in my opinion, instead of serving whaleburgers and whatnot.
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