Russians Caught "Squeaky Alien Monster" ... and Ate It!

Russian fishermen caught a "squeaky alien" and decided to .... eat it!

Village residents from the Rostov region of Russia caught a weird creature two weeks ago after a strong storm in the Sea of Azov. The shark-looking creature was producing strange squeaky sounds. The fishermen originally believed that they had caught an alien and decided to film the monster with the help of a cell phone camera. The footage clearly shows the creatures’ head, body and long tail. The bizarre catch was weighing almost 100 kilograms, the Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.

However, ufologists and scientists were greatly disappointed when they found out that the fishermen had eaten the monster. They said that they were not scared of the creature so they decided to use it as food. One of the men said that it was the most delicious dish he had ever eaten.

Link - via Fortean Times

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apropos mammoth - there is a Kotzwinkle short-story about 19th-century-or-so siberians finding and eating one ...

apropos eating aliens: humankind is DOOOOOMED - retribution will be merciless!
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