Archive for February 13th, 2007

The SpaceShip Man.

Building an UFO with his own two hands. Alfie Carrington is a construction worker in Michigan and he's building a flying saucer. He's actually spent the past 30 years and a lot of money building it. Click...

Sparks Fly Out of the Eyes of Angry Jesus Statue.

Brian Burgess' bronze steel and bronze statue of an angry Jesus brandishing a whip ready to drive out moneylenders from the temple, on display at the Liverpool Academy of Art, became quite famous when some visitors claim...

Blind Pink Snake Species Rediscovered After 100 Years.

Scientists re-discovered the blind snake of Madagaskar (Xenotyphlops mocquardi) after the species was last seen more than 100 years ago. The snake is approximately 10 inches long, as thick as a pencil, and looks...

Hungry Planet: A Week's Worth of Food Around the World.

In their book Hungry Planet, photographer Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio visited 24 countries, from the wealthiest to the neediest of nations, and photographed what families there eat during the course of a ty...

Russians Caught "Squeaky Alien Monster" ... and Ate It!

Russian fishermen caught a "squeaky alien" and decided to .... eat it!Village residents from the Rostov region of Russia caught a weird creature two weeks ago after a strong storm in the Sea of Azov. The sh...

Love Like a Genius Worksheet.

Just in time for Valentine's Day, here's a printable worksheet from mentalfloss on the romantic strategies of geniuses like Einstein, Dorothy Parker, Isaac Newton and more. For example:Einstein's Strategy: Ma...

Stained Glass PC Case Mod.

This cool stained glass PC case mod is found at BoredStop - via digg, Thanks Denita!If you haven't seen it, check out Neatorama's own Ultimate List of Case Mods....

Nintendo Cartoon Hour.

It's not an hour, it's around 3 minutes. See if you can name all the games used here. PG-NSFW (f-bomb). Click Play or go to Link [YouTube] . Found at The Lonely Island ....

Carrot Tech.

Via The Scotsman:FROM dangling to angling. The humble carrot is set to be used in ways never imagined before, thanks to a discovery by two Scottish scientists who have found a way to convert the vegetable into an...

Faces of Beauty?

Some would say that many of the women in the above photo are quite beautiful, but in fact, none of them exist. Pierre Tourigny downloaded about 30 pictures of women per photo from a popular internet "photo rating"...

Trend Food: Purple Potatoes

The potatoes are grown with seeds mutated by cosmic radiation aboard a Chinese spacecraft. I bet they taste good fried, cooked and mashed. But that's just a bet.

I Love E.T.

Nick Gjoka is an E.T. expert and collector. He's got lots of E.T. memorabilia and also recreates scenes from the movie (click here). Visit Nick's I Love E.T. website here ....

AniBOOM Eyedoll

Aniboom’s new animation competition centers around American Idol contestants. Create a short animated parody or satire and you could win either an all-expenses paid trip to Los Angeles to meet your new agent OR...

Best Commercial Ever.

This commercial is for real. I mean it happened for real. He really made a rap video for his furniture store. Click Play or go to Link [YouTube] . Thanks to Nile Seguin ....

Conversation Hearts

Necco has been manfacturing those little candy hearts since 1902, but conversation hearts were invented by the company founder’s brother during the Civil War! Those early hearts had phrases on paper inside them....

The Frankenstein Hat.

Frankenstein's monster [wiki] (sometimes Frankenstein's creature or the Frankenstein monster or even Frankenstein) is a fictional character that first appeared in Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein, or The Modern...

Is Not Magazine.

Is Not Magazine is an Australian magazine in the form of a 1.5m x 2m bill poster that goes on display at outdoor sites for everyone to read/scribble on. You can even fill in the crossword. It's independe...

Crayons Not Included.

The Color of Dissent is a coloring book featuring various Black Panthers, labour leaders, civil rights advocates and dissenters. Found at CBC's The Hour ....

6 Scariest Natural Disasters.

There’s nothing quite as frightening as when Mother throws one of her temper tantrums. Mother Nature, that is. And while there’s some comfort in knowing that at least there’s a little science in her mad...

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