Archive for February 12th, 2007

Middle Ages Tech Support.

Its a miracle we ever progressed as far as we have. Push play or go to YouTube. -via Exploding Aardvark...

(Not So) Sunny, Snowy Mexico.

So much for geographic stereotyping! . . . . OK, you got me, Brett. It's Mexico NY. Photos from ABC, story from CNN. . Via Say No to Crack...

Stadium Plaigiarism?

Is the new Wembley Stadium in London a copy? 60-year-old plans have been discovered of a stadium that looks remarkably similar to Wembley. They were created by a celebrated Brazilian architect called Oscar Niemey...

Pixar's Geri's Game with Real Actors

Pixar's original Geri's Game: Real actor students version: Some filmmaking students in Brazil recorded this short film to match shot by shot the animated Pixar's clip Geri's Game. Press...

One: A (Lego) Space Odyssey

A funny Lego stopmotion animation parodying 2001: A Space Odyssey. There are more parodies at Spite Your Face Productions such as Spiderman and Star Wars spoofs. Link to Youtube Video...

ChronArte Canna: Water Clock with Real Liquid Display.

From the website:The ChronArte Canna is a spectacular wall clock with real liquid display. A unique design feature for generous and timeless rooms. The twelve crystalclear tubes fill like a cascade with colored water. Mi...

Illegal Interview Questions.

When it comes to a job interview, turns out there are just some questions you can't be asked. Legally, that is. The following are illegal interview questions:"Is it Mrs., Miss, or Ms.?""Do you have childre...

Asterix Latin Phrases.

One of the fun things about The Adventures of Asterix [wiki] comic books is its use of latin phrases. Here's a website that collexts Asterix latin sayings and their translation.Acta est fabula: It's...

Triassic Four Horsemen.

Here're some songs from Noisetank, as "sung" by the Triassic Four Horsemen. - via Presurfer (Gerard has just moved Presurfer to a new location, so check it out!)...

Korean Professor's Daily Log.

Korea's Dankook University professor Kim An-je has published a unique book marking his 70th birthday:21,098 packs of cigarettes. 21,194 bottles of soju. 227,423 pages of manuscript papers. A life of 70 years can thus...

Car Accident Caused by Trash, Lots and Lots of Trash.

If you think your car is filthy, you've got nothing on this:According to police, there was so much trash inside 53-year-old Ann Biglan's Ford Focus, it completely filled the inside from the floor to the ceiling front...

The Master of Etch-a-Sketch.

Back in 2005, Neatorama blogged about George Vlosich's Etch-a-Sketch art here . In this interview with MSNBC, George Vlosich reveals some of his secrets (how does he keep his art permanent?). Go to http://www.g...

Rabbit Hopping.

You didn’t know there were obstacle course competitions for bunnies, did you? Push play or go to YouTube. Rabbits compete in the straight course, crooked course, long jump, and high jump. Rasmus Bjerner has info...

Glassic Soho Flat.

Is it a modular home, a recreational vehicle, or a trailer? The Glassic Soho Flat is a manufactured 400 square-foot glass-walled living space. You can select from three floor plans (one bedroom, two bedroom, or studio)...

Through the Eyes of a Homeless Boy

This photograph was taken by a homeless boy in California. A reader on SomethingAwful gave a small point and shoot camera to the boy, then told him he could keep the camera if the boy returned the photos he snapped....

Jupiter's Moon Io.

Today's Cellar/Neatorama Picture of the Week comes from the always awesome Astronomy Picture of the Day (better known by its acronym APOD) website. This photo of Jupiter's moon Io was taken by the Galileo spacecraft and...

The Dishmaker: Fabricate Your Own Plates and Bowls.

Leonardo Bonanni, Sam Sarcia, Subodh Paudel, and Ted Selker created this prototype machine that makes acrylic dishwares on demand! After you're done with, say, a plate, simply "melt" back the material using thi...

Diana's Battle with Wilm's Tumor: a Touching Photo Essay.

Flickr user Box of Light has a photo-essay capturing the journey of a 5-year-old Diana, who was diagnosed with Wilm's Tumor, a type of kidney cancer. The touching photographs capture Diana's day to day life and show the...

Patricia Piccinini's Artwork.

In this art collection called "Nest," Patricia Piccinini modeled scooters as cute mother and baby! Link - via Random Good Stuff and Dark Roasted Blend...

Mr. T Memorabilia: B.A. Slippers and More.

Yes, those are B.A. slippers, made by Mattel and collected by Mike Essl and Greg Rivera of Mr. T and Me, a website dedicated to Mr. T memorabilia.They've got some cool Mr. T stuff there, including Greg's collection of Mr...

Bus Ball.

Turns out that Billy F. Gibbons, besides being a rockstar (he's from the band ZZ Top) is also a car guy and artist to boot: he Sculptor Lars-Erik Fisk created the strange looking thing above, called the "Bus Ball&qu...

Four-Legged Chicks Done in By Extra Anus.

Forzie, the four-legged chicken of New Zealand, was not done in by its extra legs. Most likely, it was killed because of its extra anus:"He developed two bottoms and I think he got glugged up," she said.http://...

Paperclip Towel Warmer.

That's a towel warmer in shape of a giant paperclip, made in 2003 by Eskimo: - via Eduyayo...

Giant Toasted Ants.

Lazybone sells some pretty unusual snacks - this one is the giant toasted ants. I've actually had the pleasure of tasting one of these before (from a different company, who called theirs "big assed ants"). Crun...

Infectious Awareables: Disease-Causing Microbes as Designs.

Infectious Awareables sell some unique clothings: they sell neckties, scarves, boxer shorts, caps, and t-shirts with designs of disease-causing microbes and infectious agents!

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