Ehn, he had good ones: Schindler's List, Duel, Jaws, Close Encounters, Saving Private Ryan. And he had bad ones: Temple of Doom, War of the Worlds.
Some of what Don said were "clunkers" could easily be disputed--ET is dated but the original (NOT the "remastered" junk!) had a lot of charm and a very powerful message. Last Crusade was cinematographically sumptuous and the storyline had a lot of excellent moments, though admittedly the whole "Holy Grail Obstacle Course" was cheesy enough to cause diarrhea in the lactose intolerant... For that matter, all of the movies he listed could easily be debated on for hours by those familiar with them.
I will wholeheartedly agree with him on War of the Worlds, though, summing it up in two little words: Tom. Cruise.
*shudders morbidly*
However, it's becoming increasingly apparent that fame is pushing him to pull a George Lucas--thereby requiring him to register his inflamed ego as a potentially lethal incendiary device, and to keep it stowed in the cargo area of his personal jet during any flights. Expect him to start pushing plodding CGI-infested plot-deficient "prequels" onto his fan base and retconning his older films any minute now...
Some of what Don said were "clunkers" could easily be disputed--ET is dated but the original (NOT the "remastered" junk!) had a lot of charm and a very powerful message. Last Crusade was cinematographically sumptuous and the storyline had a lot of excellent moments, though admittedly the whole "Holy Grail Obstacle Course" was cheesy enough to cause diarrhea in the lactose intolerant... For that matter, all of the movies he listed could easily be debated on for hours by those familiar with them.
I will wholeheartedly agree with him on War of the Worlds, though, summing it up in two little words: Tom. Cruise.
*shudders morbidly*
However, it's becoming increasingly apparent that fame is pushing him to pull a George Lucas--thereby requiring him to register his inflamed ego as a potentially lethal incendiary device, and to keep it stowed in the cargo area of his personal jet during any flights. Expect him to start pushing plodding CGI-infested plot-deficient "prequels" onto his fan base and retconning his older films any minute now...
IJ: Temple of Doom
IJ: Last Crusade
Minority Report
War of the Worlds
I could go on, but just try to defend THOSE.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (my pick for greatest movie of all time)
Schindler's List
Saving Private Ryan
Close Encounters
Minority Report
And so on.