Archaeologists Discovered Skeletons of Couple Locked in Loving Embrace.

Archaeologists at Mantua, the city of Romeo and Juliet, discovered the skeletons of a couple locked in a loving embrace:

Yesterday at Mantua, in an amazing echo of that heartrending story, archaeologists revealed the discovery of a couple locked in a tender embrace, one that has endured for more than 5,000 years.


it made me think of the recent ghost bride murders in china, and pharoahs who liked to take their favorite people with them. i hope the chick died of natural causes. because then, yeah, it's really romantic.
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Yes, Romeo ran away to Mantua when he was banished, but he came back to Verona when he heard Juliet had died. He killed himself in her family tomb. She killed (re-killed?) herself shortly after.
Their families said they'd raise a monument to them and probably kept them in town.
p.s. It was all Friar Lawrence's fault.
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