Urban artists are pixelating the world using art mosaics with 8-bit video game themes. The most of them used characters from Space Invaders (Wikipedia) or similar games such as Axiens, Galaxiens, Galaga, Moon Cresta, etc.
The image above is Q*Bert (Wikipedia). I've been browsing the photos until I found him. I played that game a lot!
Link to the Space Invaders Flickr Photoset
Link Space Invaders
via Wooster Collective
The image above is Q*Bert (Wikipedia). I've been browsing the photos until I found him. I played that game a lot!
Link to the Space Invaders Flickr Photoset
Link Space Invaders
via Wooster Collective
Qbert was always my favorite as a kid. I saw one of the Space Invaders gallery shows a couple of years back and have spotted a few of them around LA (I think a few photos are in that flickr group).
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I saw a couple in Paris in October.
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I'd like to see Paris and London ^g^, I don't have the nerve!
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Hell, we've even got them in remote Umeå, Sweden.
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Hold on a second... they could be bombs.
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