Barbaro [wiki], the thoroughbred that won the 2006 Kentucky Derby and perhaps the best thoroughbred horse since Secretariat, was euthanized on January 29, 2007.
Barbaro shattered three bones in his hind leg in last May's Preakness and although he had made significant improvements after surgery, ultimately the horse had significant health setbacks and pain that forced vets to euthanize him. Barbaro was cremated, and plans are being put together in regards to his final resting place.
Link: MSNBC | YouTube fan-made tributes to Barbaro
So far there's no horse in Secretariat's company, not even his offspring. Like Barbaro, laminitis was the end of Secretariat in 1989 when he was 19 years old. Please stop comparing Barbaro to Secretariat.
For all of us who cheered him on, both on and (especially!) off the race track, his battle was/IS truly inspiring.
Written/recorded just days after his passing. The song can be heard at my band’s profile page:
May his memory live on forever...
Ken Buono-The Tell Alls