This stunning home video captured the world's worst mouse plague, which happened in southern Australia in 1993.
Warning: distrubing and icky images of, well, millions of rodents (doesn't this make you really want to see it?). Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via VideoSift, Thanks James Roe!
Sorry Honey, I gotta use the camcorder to record this, you go in the mouse infested barn!
Fill sink, bucket or stock tank with a few inches of water.
Take a glass or a bucket and invert it with water inside to make it stable, bait with peanut butter on bottom that is upside down.
Allow a few paths so that the pests can gain access, the peanut butter will do all the talking.
The rodents will leap into the water and drown each other trying to get bait or to get out.
Awfully simple and horribly effective and so cheap too
Dip out with a net and discard..... I would say burn...