In this funny animated clip from Tom Dor, a magical "box" falls from the sky and disturb the peaceful lives of two prehistoric brothers.
What kind of box? You'll have to watch to find out: Hit play or go to Link [Aniboom] - Thanks Benh!
In this funny animated clip from Tom Dor, a magical "box" falls from the sky and disturb the peaceful lives of two prehistoric brothers.
What kind of box? You'll have to watch to find out: Hit play or go to Link [Aniboom] - Thanks Benh!
If you don't get the humour in that, you should probably see a therapist.
Cavemen probably had sex with each other all the time, with themselves, with cave women, with all their family members, with animals, with rocks and trees. After a long passage of time, primitive people came up with sexual and cultural taboos. Thus our own ideas of morality and law were born.