Man Dressed as The Joker from Batman Got National ID Card.

From the website:

A Dutchman dressed as the unpredictable master criminal The Joker from Batman managed to get himself a national ID card, despite supposedly stringent new rules which outlaw grins, funny faces, and head coverings from passport pics.

... a 35-year-old man from the Dutch town of Hellevoetsluis decided to paint his face black and dress up as Batman's goofy trickster-thief rival and was astounded that his new appearance was accepted without a hitch. Initially, the man was asked not to wear a hat, but when he argued it was because of religious beliefs, he was allowed to leave it on.

The incident has stirred quite a controversy among Dutch politicians. Interior minister Johan Remkes now has to explain how this could have happened. "We don't think there are many people dressed up as clowns in this country," his department said. - via Unique Daily

See also: DMV Driver's License Prank

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He looks like the German guy who was on America's Got Talent or whatever the name was. Doesn't he?

But does he really look like The Joker? MMM, not sure, but still makes for a funny story.

Go here to see a pic of the man without the make-up:

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