Kitty Washing Machine.

Kitty Washing Machine. Euphimistically called a "Pet Spa" - the cat looks like it was enjoying itself now, didn't it? Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Dave Barry's Blog

Wow...yeah, cats aren't supposed to washed very often in the first cat actually smells worse when he is wet...

Some poor cat is going to choke or drown. Then those people will be in REAL trouble.
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I never laughed so much at something so cruel.

Lighten up, people. Although it was probably a little traumatic, the cat wasn't in any danger. Professional groomers know how to get them to cooperate without going to such weird lengths.
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You can definitely tell who is a cat owner/lover and dog owner here. Alex, I posted the same video on my site last night, and got pretty much the same response.

My grandmother had a cat and it did the exact same thing every time she tried to wash it ... so unless it's cruel in general to wash cats, I thought it was just normal (but funny) behavior.
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Yes, it's cruel. However owns the machine should be made to shut it down. To above commenter about throwing your cat/kitten in a pond/creek/river, that's abuse pure and simple. Grow up.
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Washing A cat is hard. I have a couple hundred scratches and deep gouges along my arms and hands to prove it. Cats hate water but need to be washed. I hate work but still need to eat. There for is making me go work cruel and unusual just because I don't like it. If my cat wants to bite and scratch me the two or three time a year I wash her, then she can go into the spa. After all it is no different then getting caught in a rain storm and your cat will be to tired to fight you while drying.
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