Goth Haters Got a Website!

Turns out there is a group called "Parents Against Goth" with a website called (really), where they rail against the Goth subculture [wiki] and provide tips on how to "degoth" your children.

And of course, this being the internet, a counter website has sprung up, creatively called,

Can't we all just get along? Link - Thanks Andrew!

See also: Blue Spring Youth Outreach Unit combatting the goth problem with government money in Government Fund the Darnedest Things.

The devils music area is hilarious,seriously. I mean, I can see some merit in some of the accusations (pentagrams and whatnot) but some are just hilariously wrong.

Alice Cooper
"prevents mice from solving mazes"

Ozzy Osborne
"scary face"

"singer died of aids"
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i thought most of the goths died out in the 90s. If anyone is that unoriginal and lame enough to be goth, then good for them, thanks for the laughs.
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I can't believe how stupid the author of this website is. Did this person ever graduate high school? The author completely confuses causation with correlation. To cite an article which states 40% of self-proclaimed goths cut themselves and/or attempted suicide is one thing. To then say that the goth crowd encourages cutting and suicide is completely different. And then to go on and warn parents that if their children become goth that they will kill themselves? It is more likely one embraces "goth" because one is already doing these things. Furthermore, even that conclusion is an empty one since it ignores total teenager statistics concerning cutting and suicide.
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I'm a young parent - and my teenage daughter is kinda-sorta into the Goth thing, and I don't really care for it... But she is her own person and I would never step on her personal choices in this arena. As long as she is happy and continues to go to school, she can be a Goth. The idea of forcing a teenage child into not being who he or she wants to be seems so counterproductive. I couldn't imagine a better way to alienate my teenager.

Parents who are concerned should try to remember what they were doing in High School.
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If your kid joins a goth group a better action to take would be to question why they do so in the first place. Maybe they feel like the attention they receive at home is not adequate. Either way, both of the sites suck.
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Sheesh this frustrates me...Christians don't (or shouldn't) hate anyone. It's hypocritical. The whole point of our faith is love and grace. Claiming that our God hates a certain type of person is ridiculous. Perhaps this was the wrong place to rant, but I really wish my fellow Christian's would think before they pull this crap.
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"The Goth Problem"? *LOL* Soon they'll talk about final solutions. :-)

By the way, it´s funny that there isn´t a website called ;-)
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"We cannot have an organization called 'Parents Against Goths/Punks/wiccans/self harmers/thrashers/grungers/heavy metallers', because this would be ridiculous"

yep, THAT would be ridiculous!
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At the bottom of their "About Us" page, is the following text:

"DISCLAIMER : The Godhatesgoths website, Parents Against Goth Movement and Gods Hammer Baptist Church are complete works of fiction. It is a satire/parody. When you use you are agreeing and consenting to our terms and conditions of use which we, at our sole discretion, may change in any way at any time. Furthermore we do not guarantee that any of the materials or articles or content on this site will contain no errors, nor that they will be accurate in the slightest. Nor do we state that we agree in anyway with any of the content or views or beliefs within these articles, or with the fictional views of the fictional character Rev RG Green, or any of his fictional followers or fictional members of his fictional Church. This site is meant to be viewed as black humor, parody and satire on very real people and organisations out there, who DO think goth and metal is the devil's music. For more information on people who really are speaking out against rock and goth music please view our resources section. For our complete terms and conditions please email us, and we will be pleased to supply them in full. Thank you and i hope you enjoy our site."
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Ahah.. I can't believe you people think that is serious... hello satire!! quasi_mojo and sumgye clearly are the only people here with brains..
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i'm goth, christian, and wiccan. i don't cut my self or dream of suicide. i love my 2 sisters, my brother, my friends and my parents. sure, i play rock/metal/alternative bass guitar, but i also play classical violin.
and regarding to, i don't moleste or kill babies, or drink human blood.
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I dislike goths,emos, and dark-lovers. I don't have a religion and am not a goth. Though I dislike goths,that website is one of the most ridiculous sites I've ever seen. It called goths: the devils children,losers,and homosexual freaks. Sometimes I see goths and think they are kind of freaks or maybe losers, but not the devil's children! The Christians are taking this goth thing way too hard. My ex-best friend is a Christian, she and her sister were taught that sex and not-going-to-church is a sin. Once she told me i would go to hell because i don't go to church. She left my school and i don't see her often. I saw here 14 year old sister weeks ago cuddling w/ a 16 year old in her all-black-outfit. Most hard-core-Christian kids grow up exactly what their parents said they shouldn't be!
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Actually, I found this pastor's website to be amusing like crazy. He knows zero about the goth culture. Oh yes, there are satanic goths, wiccan goths and probably mickey mouse goths, but some of us are Christian, and saying we dress as "satanic whores" hardly shows a Godly man attitude. It's okay though, he lacks the balls to reply to my posts. Word of advice to you others though: please if you leave this weasel a note, spell properly and try to post something that is a credit to the culture, not a pile of immature drivel and names, because that fuels thi's embicile's fire.
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