Not good for a watercraft. A vertical cross section is hardle efficient for going horozontally. A battery powered paddleboard with neutral bouyancy, internal water jets and some movable internal weights would be far more efficient. You could also add a cowling and some cross bars as shark protection. I am not sure if they make the bubble on top supplied with air from a tank with a small % over feed, as I see no bubbles or mask. A good aspcet is the low weight and high air bubble will keep it vertical, but if you lose the bubble, you sink, so you may have potential buoyancy problems
Why is everyone obsessed with sharks eating humans? Please, leave the poor sharks alone. They've been in the sea for the last 100,000,000 years, we've been in the sea for the last 50. THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN EATING HUMANS.
I am not sure if they make the bubble on top supplied with air from a tank with a small % over feed, as I see no bubbles or mask.
A good aspcet is the low weight and high air bubble will keep it vertical, but if you lose the bubble, you sink, so you may have potential buoyancy problems