Makoto Nagano.

Makoto Nagano is a 33 year old commercial fisherman. He is a very strong, agile, and attractive man. And he is a champion of the Japanese TV show Viking: the Ultimate Obstacle Course Challenge. Ninja Warrior. {Wiki} In fact, he is the only contestant to successfully complete all the various obstacle courses since 1999! To watch his amazing performance, push play or go to YouTube.

Comments (37)

This was great! He's a beast when it comes to physical challenges that require dexterity and skill.

Gotta wonder if he does specific training for the different obstacles in the courses. Any way you look at it, he's the man.
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I'm pretty sure this is actually Ninja Warrior and not Viking. I watched a Ninja Warrior marathon on cable when i was up at my parents' place over XMas, and was quite impressed with Nagano. He almost made it in a previous attempt. If you get a chance to see the whole program, watch for the performances by Paul Terek, the American decathlete who lost because his mass (relative to the other contestants, almost all of whom were japanese) slowed him down, and Nagasaki Shunsuke, the 19 year old gymnast who made it to the final stage on his first attempt.
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This is the problem with doing research in a language I don't speak. Since I don't watch ESPN, it never occurred to me that there would be TWO Japanese game shows with identical premises AND the same star competitor!
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Sweet Jumping Montezuma! I'm worn out just looking at him climb!

(Of course, I made the mistake of watching this with my son, now he's eyeing the house like it's an obstacle course...)

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That's very impressive to see some one actually do the sort of things I've only seen in computer games. If there ever was a real life Tomb Raider, it's this guy.
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I was just seeing that. He won it all. 2nd man to win Ninja Warrior since Kazuhiko Akiyama. He is one of the elite competitors such as Shingo Yamamoto, Shunsuke Nagasaki, Bunpei Shiratori, Toshihiro Takeda and such. He must've trained for these obstacles his entire life. I was hoping we would have a Ninja Warrior and we finally saw one.
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I was watching the marathon yesterday, and he was my favorite from the beginning. I felt that he could complete the fourth course sooner or later, because he was superb at all the previous courses, and finally he did it. I was so happy and proud of him. He is a true ninja warrior.
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I love you Makoto, you sexy beast! You are the hottest Japanese man on the planet. If you want US citizenship I would gladly marry you and have your awesome little future Ninja warriors!
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Hi All,

I've been a big fan of Ninja Warrior for some time now and the question always comes up - Will they have a "Ninja Warrior" type show here in the staes?

Answer: If the legal eagles and sue happy contestants can stay away from the possibilities of getting hurt - yes! But, as sue happy as this country is, it would take one "ding dong" contestant to fall and hurt him/herself and everything would be over - despite signing any forms acknowledging the risks involved.

I have 2 boys who are gung-ho on Ninja Warrior and want me to build an obstacle in the backyard. Wherever we are they see similar obstacles and try to be like the elite warriors! Parking blocks become 4 steps, door jams become cliff hangers, etc... The funniest / worst was when we were in a sporting goods store and the 12 year old saw an opportunity to spider walk bewtween two eisles - CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say there was a clean-up in eisle 12!

Have Fun!
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Can you really imagine an american version of Ninja Warrior? I like the fact that a winner in Ninja Warrior is rare. I think an american version would be set up so that it would be easier and there would be a winner every time. I'll stick with the original. Makoto Nagano is my hero!
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I absolutely LOVE Ninja Warrior!! Nagano is my fave along with Bunpei and the other All Star guys!! I wonder if they realize how famous they have actually become!!! I'm sure in Japan they know it but here in the states too!!!!

I would love to travel there one day to see it in real life but for now keep the games coming and hopefully we can see new ones shortly after the fall competition!! My son who is 7 loves to watch this too!
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Makoto is THE man! I am a huge Ninja Warrior fan. I can't get enough of this show. Is is a current show or an older one (thinking of the "older" MXC shows from the 80's)? I would LOVE to go there to see it in person!!!

I love you Makoto!
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I watch makoto nagano-san on YouTube and i was screaming up and down when he won. In the Spring 2007 Sasuke he disquiled him when he did the gliffhanger wrong. he is very honest. i would love to meet him someday
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I have a huge crush on Makoto Nagano! He is sooo handsome, magnificently athletic, and seems to be humble. I wonder if he knows how many American women think he's HOT. He could be a huge star. But it's cool to think of his out there in the ocean doing his job. I just want to see more of him!
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I absolutely am in love with Makoto. He is strong, determined, humble, and totally Hot! In my opinion, he has completed all 4 stages of Ninja Warrior 4 times. I wish there were some way for me to communicate with him directly, so I can tell him how much his strength & determination has affected me in my everyday life...he never gave up...nor shall I.
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I love Nagano!!!! Hes been my favorite since I first saw him compete in Ninja Warrior when the show first aired on G4.

Im not sure if anyone else watched the brand new episodes that aired this evening (11/14/07), but I was shocked to see none of the all-stars make it. Congrats to the two guys that did but I was hoping more would make it. My two favorites are Nagano & Takeda. I hope they can make it next time.

I also went online tonight & got my first look at the Viking show. Im going to have to find more episodes. I love these Japanese shows. Wish there was a channel dedicated to them in the States.
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I saw that airing too on G4. Hats off to the two Americans that took on the Ninja Warrior challenge they came short on the Spider Jump. The course is a lot harder this time around and everyone must practice if they want to survive all Mt. Madoriyama stages.
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i swear i thought espn aired the show under the name of 'viking'.
hmm. but it was slightly different.

and i do remember seeing makoto.

i guess miss cellania had the same realization.

i guess it was a different show.
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Makoto Nagano is exceptional. my eight year old son loves to watch him, and try's to mimick him. We call him the "Japanese Terminator" because every obstacle he is presented with, he destroys!
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Hey all you Ninja warrior fans,

My name is Ro-Zu. I live in the states. I love to watch Ninja wrrior and all who are on it. I have one ultimate goal in life and that is to be on Ninja Warrior. To be able to climb Mt. Madoriyama and just see Sasuke. I ablseoloutly love Makoto Nagano. He is my Hero. I look up to him. I would one day like to meet him. I am half Japanese and half American. I would love to see japan but my parents or I dont have the money. I also like Bunpei Shiratori. He is another of my idols. He does Tripple jump in track Tournaments. I love track. I train evrey day with the hopes that one day I can be on ninja warrior. Will my dream be fofilled? (is that how you spell it?) anyway does anyone else have the same dream? If so email me at Thanks all,


P.S oh ya Makoto ROCKS!!! Hes awesome. I love him.
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I have to agree with Lindsay. Nagano is strong and determined. He has helped me through alot. i wish to Thank you nagano and would one day like to meet you. But please do your best. Thanks again. I try to live every day like its Ninja warrior course "Try my hardest and never give up." nagano if you ever read this you are my HERO!

With lovve always,

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Nagano is so Hot! I just got into Ninja Warrior this year and I can't stop watching him. I'm glad he's a new father and congrats on his marriage. I just wish I could meet him just to tell him how awesome he is. He's so humble, not a show boat at all, I don't think he knows just awesome he is. He is always cheering people on too. He's my fav guy of all time
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the captain and osami, i hope i speailed it right. surly you two are a blessing to watch. i thank JESUS for you`alls additude. nagano`s hands are super strong, and nagano has the heart of a campion of great leaders. that fireman sidekick. can be on the team i`m on anytime. the way they helped levi. this whole ninja thing is incouraging. easy to view yet so hard to do. thank you for being so absolutly humble and strong. again coogradulations to all your team, peace strength and health, that means i hope you don`t get hurt. you dont have to. mtb rider
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