Pizza Chains Accepts Pesos, Gets Death Threats Too...

Pizza Patron, a pizza chain restaurants located near the US border with Mexico, just wanted to drum up business by posting a sign that it now accepts the pesos:

Many Pizza Patron customers have pesos “sitting in their sock drawers or in their wallets,” Gamm said. “We're talking small amounts, where it would be inconvenient to stop and exchange on the way back — maybe 10 or 20 dollars' worth of pesos.”

But it got more than it bargained for: death threats!

“This is the United States of America, not the United States of Mexico,” one e-mail read. “Quit catering to the damn illegal Mexicans,” demanded another. ...


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Ahhhhh good old dead red eyes, glad to see you're still an ignorant little punk. Actually, not glad ... this user still needs to grow up and learn to accept differences ...

Out here in Maui we get foreign currency all the time. Canadian change gets mistaken for US coinage quite easily. We should pass out death threats to our customers.
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Ahhhhh good old America, glad to see you're still full of bigots, racists, selfish people, sexist people, fundamentalist conservative christians, prejudism, and hatemongers.

Actually, not glad ... this country still needs to grow up and learn to accept differences ...
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If you live close to the border, you're going to get foreign currency– and not necessarily from illegal immigrants. Up here in NY we get the occasional Canadian coin, it's not that big a deal. It's certainly nothing worth bullying or killing people over.
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This is ridiculious! It is the choice of the business to accept pesos, just like its the choice of a business to open at 10am or any other choice they make regarding how they run their company. They aren't giving change out in pesos, are they? Is this really worth a death threat? People really do need to get a life. How loco, I mean crazy!
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