A waterfall at the foot of Flame Mountain with a 20 meters drop which has frozen over. It is located in Turufan, XinJiang province, China. http://www.ce.cn/xwzx/gnsz/gdxw/200701/02/t20070102_9971882.shtml [in Chinese]
A waterfall at the foot of Flame Mountain with a 20 meters drop which has frozen over. It is located in Turufan, XinJiang province, China. http://www.ce.cn/xwzx/gnsz/gdxw/200701/02/t20070102_9971882.shtml [in Chinese]
stop affirming china's aggressive territorial expansionist policy.
Dude, we're just commenting on a picture. We didn't know.
(Cool picture! But waaaaayyy too cold for me!)
It's actually a common practice by westerners to use photographs of unique natural phenomena like the one above and subtly insert imperial propaganda
Nice pic
Anyway, what we are witnessing here is the waterfall's solitary resistance to the Chinese presence. Which is much better than the Palestinian waterfalls, which murder Israeli waterfalls.
Hey, dud, what I know is the UN and other country respect that part is belonged to china except anywhere else. If you belive history, why don't you just claim that the whole univers are yours. since million years ago, only your ancestors were owning the world. and us should belong to Indian as well.
But what we have is NOW.
@why this is required : UN don't rule the world, you know. Giving credit to dictatures because they're giant ones and have a lot of economic power isn't what I would call courage.
I saw a frozen waterfall once in WV.
It was very cold and snowy at the time.