Postman Delivers 'Map-Addressed' Christmas Card

When Welshman Paul Bates was sending out his Christmas cards he realised that he had forgotten an old workmates address. He knew that he lived in the southwest of England but couldn't remember the town, let alone the street and Post Code.

Rather than not send the Christmas card, he sketched a little map on the front of the envelope and added a dot where he thought he friend lived.

Amazingly, nine days later the card arrived at his friend's house in Bude, North Cornwall after a postman recognised the name in a local sorting office.,,2-2007000420,00.html

I'd find this a lot more impressive if Royal Mail didn't manage to lose about half the items I order online, despite them being correctly addressed. Maybe I should try the map thing...
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I love this, I once got a letter with the wrong first name (spelling), wrong address numbers, wrong town name and the incorrect zip code. I had just moved to a town of about 8,000 in Maine. My guess what that *I* was the new person and they knew about me. Scary part?? It was my taxes!
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I'm wondering, why only The Sun reported the story?
There is no any other evidence, that the story has a place.
None of the online news agencies published something related.
At least Google didn't index them.
May be I wasn't able to find the occurances...
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