Giant Rabbit.


Cellar Image of the Day has a picture of this giant rabbit (22 lb!), bred by Karl Szmolinsky of Eberswalde, Germany.

See also: Bodmin the Gigantic Rabbit, and Neatorama's most popular post of all time: Top 15 Amazingly Fat Cats

first question... why breed a giant rabbit? (oh, meat? fur? cuddling and spooning into the wee hours?)

second question... how many people realize the angle in this shot is odd? unless this man's hand is bigger than his head.
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I don't care what Snopes says. I have worked extensively with Photoshop in network news, and the photo on this page has every mark of that program. All of the signs are there: focus on subject and background that do not quite match, subtly different lighting, shadows not quite the same... sorry, it just looks fake. If you compare it to the photo of the Scottish bunny on Snopes, the differences are obvious.
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I used a search engine on 'giant rabbit' and there's a british article with another couple of pictures of this same guy grabbing a large rabbit by the scruff. The second image down could be poor photoshop too, but it's harder to tell. Dunno.
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Weather or not this exact one is real I'm not sure, but I've read several articles about these giant rabbits and there is even a website that sells them.
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These rabbits are indeed real. I have seen a few of them in person myself. The rabbits look a lot bigger depending on the ANGLE at which they are photographed...but they ARE real rabbits. They are very sweet and docile as a general rule, their fur is luxurious and very soft, and if you can get them to trust you and quiet down long enough, you might actually be able to "cuddle" with them. They're pretty active, though, for their size!
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Does anyone else out there have a problem with handing these bunnies over to the North Koreans for food, even if one of them can feed a small village?
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I call bullsh*t. I have an 18 lb. cat and while she is indeed a big girl, she's not even a third the size of this photoshopped rabbit. Look at the head!
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The photo of the same man with this particular rabbit on a scale is obviously due to photo enhancement. Looks like a tabloid photo-just how large are the cabbages this fella eats? hum. I think the picture of the Giant Rabbit from Germany seems to be more plausible. Also the photo with one Flemish Giant next to a normal sized rabbit offers a more realistic comparison. They are certainly very large rabbits. Which means a very large amount of droppings to shovel.
Wouldn't mind petting someone else's bunny- A rabbit of this size would attract all the wild critters in my neighborhood for miles around. No Thanks
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this is a continental rabbit-not that unusual to get in europe, but very rare in usa-this breed is about the same size as the flemish giant-which is readily available in the us-it's just the angle of the photo-the largest flemish giant on record is 28 lbs.. just type in flemish giant or continental giant and you'll fine 'em
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Dang Wanget
what a ginormus bunny
i can't believe my eyes
ppl in nk are gonna eat these
i can see one roasting on a roticary stick right now
its a funny image
it makes me giggle uncontrollably
Bca thinks its gross
i wanna ride one...all night long
gidyaup Chomp chomp
i'm gonna mail-order one from that man in germany so i can feed my 22 children
i really do have 22 children- my home is like a small village
good night y'all
sleep tight
don't let frank steal your dreams
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ahaha the one saying it's photoshop cause of the clothing color made ma laugh a good one; it could be fake, yes the head area is kinda zoomed in, but I've seen real photos of real things no one would believe real, so this looks pretty clean to me. I trust they'll soon make bigger ones. I mean why have a hundred of them when you can have all in one?
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yet more pics of this guy and his rabbits
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Wow!!!!!!!!!!! weird is that a RABBIT or WHAT. Totally freacky is wiered and huge like a tree man thats creepy BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THINK IT CAN EAT PEOPLE...................NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I DONT WANT TO BE EATEN
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I think thats photo shoped how big can the guys hand get?!? i mean compae it to his face.. to me if you look at the bunny's head it looks TOTALY fake!! =P but w/e it's your desicsion believe it or don't .. and i say... Don't! ;D
- Ananamous <- sorry for my name is spelled wrong its not the actual Anonymous I go by Anne [ann] or Anna =]
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The photo is not fake, but has been shot using a fish-eye lens with a wide appeture. This means objects closer to the camera will appear disproportionately larger than things in the background.

If you notice, the man's hand is slightly out of proportion to his face - and this isn't the main point of focus.
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My g/f has one of these. It's only a couple weeks old and it's bigger than the bunnys you find in your yard. It also is like a very quiet clean dog. Potty trained, comes to us for attention, and is very affectionate for a girl. Playful as well and beats the hell out of a ferret.

Might I add, no smell.
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flemish giants are the biggest rabbits the biggest one i have seen is 29 pounds at show in Indiana, so it is possible for a flemish to get that big, so just leave the poor person alone by saying he used photo shop to make the picture bigger!
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I have to agree with Felicia. Flemish rabbits are some of the biggest breeds in the world. I work with PhotoShop on a daily basis and the only distortion I see is normal lens distortion from a digital camera. With enough vitamins and steroids, hey, even your pet hamster can be this big!
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I just wanted to let you all know that I have flemish giant rabbits and I have a doe that is almost the size of this one and weight only 16 pounds... So for all you non-believers.. buy a flemish giant....
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that is one huge bunnie
i don't even tinkit's rteal i don't think a bunnie can get that big
what are you doing to them
making them fight or something????that's huge!!!!!!
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This could either be a giant chinchilla rabbit (coat color) or a flemish giant... rabbits this big are as real as anything. Manny of these rabbits well excede past the average weight and size of the breed standards. Moose (my flemish giant) is a healthy flemish giant of 22lbs. This man was not looking to photoshop this. The lense chosen distorted the photo. The focus of the photo is the rabbit. therefore shoudnt it be larger in order to not become lost in the backround. I also think this man is smart. he obviously was trying for the rabbit to look big and he can also see the size of his own hand in the photo.
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ps. WHY EAT THEM!?!?!?! go vegan and take vitamins. these animals are wonderful pets and are recognized as one of the largest breeds in the world. they are one of the largest breeds recognized by A.R.B.A
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its real all right and is the largest on record"so far" but his hand iz tooo big unless he got surgery or some thing and if it was that big it wouldnt even way only 22 pounds i think its the camera.
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Umm, there is really nothing all that wierd about this. The rabbit is as big as a regular sized dog. It's of the breed "Flemish Giant". The same bunnies used for those Cadbury commercials.
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This is so fake.

The rabbit's head it bigger than it's bum. Even with it pushing itself toward the camera, which is what it looks like it's doing, it would be that much of a perception change.
Also, the man's hand and arms are too big for his body.
Unless he's in mid-change to the Hulk, there's no way they'd be that big.
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