Archive for January 2nd, 2007

Dora Gun.

Dora Gun was manufactured by the German company Krupp for the third Reich during World War II. Hitler had wanted a gun "able to pierce a meter of steel, seven meters of concrete, or thirty meters of dense earth"...

Capturing Life Beneath the Waves.

See more in this gallery of photographs from award-winning photographer J.P. Trenque. Most of the pictures were taken off the shores of Borneo. Link -via Arbroath...

French Farmer Said "Non" To New Year.

Not everyone was excited with the whole New Year bit - these French farmers say "non" to 2007:Parodying the French readiness to say "non", the demonstrators in the western city of Nantes waved ban...

Atheists Take On YouTube: The Blasphemy Challenge.

Talk about creating controversy: filmmaker Brian Flemming and atheist Brian Sapient's new project called The Blasphemy Challenge asks people to upload a video clip of themselves blaspheming against the Holy Spirit onto t...

The Lowest Grossing Film Ever: $30 at the Box Office!

The lowest grossing film of all times earned a measly $30 at the box office. This dubious honor belongs to the movie Zyzzx Road:That’s not a typo. I didn’t mean 30 million dollars. Or 300,000 dollars. Zyz...

The Lamest Superheroes of All Times.

From the Pop Culture Addict, a Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times. For example:#3. The Legion of the Superpets - In the late 1950s and the early 1960s DC just kind of got weird. They...

Hydropolis: The World's First Luxury Underwater Hotel in Dubai.

Dubai is building the world's first luxury underwater hotel called Hydropolis:"Hydropolis is not a project; it's a passion," enthuses Joachim Hauser, the developer and designer of the hotel. His futuristic...

Rocket Booster Video of the Space Shuttle Discovery Launch.

Neatorama reader Denita TwoDragons suggested this YouTube clip:Spine-tingling 9-minute, full-sound footage of a Space Shuttle launch (July 4th) via an onboard camera mounted to one of the SRBs...from liftoff to splas...

High Heel Shoe Race.

Women say that they don't understand why us men find them sexier wearing those totally useless and unconfortable high heel shoes. But they still wear them and even use them for running. This race took place in Mos...

Everything About Air Kicks.

Joe Eigo is a well known stuntman in cinema and has been featured in films such as Lord of the Rings. In this video you can see some samples of his acrobatic skills (with good choreography, too!)

The Hello Kitty Gravestone.

The cutest tombstone you can buy in Tokyo: a Hello Kitty tombstone. Follow the link for a Minnie tombstone. Found at There's also an alternative suited for people who talk a lot on the phone, the cellp...

13 Photographs That Changed the World

Any picture can speak 1,000 words, but only a select few say something poignant enough to galvanize an entire society. The following photographs screamed so loudly that the entire world stopped to take notice.1....

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