Archive for December 26th, 2006

Wife Fattening.

From a BBC article a couple of years ago:Obesity is so revered among Mauritania's white Moor Arab population that the young girls are sometimes force-fed to obtain a weight the government has described as "life-...

Robin Schlotz Sings Queen of the Night.

Just watch this 13-year-old boy named Robin Schlotz of the Tölzer Knabenchor sing "Queen of the Night" from Mozart's Magic Flute. His range is amazing! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via MonkeyFilter...

Cute and smart.

Three-year-old Maadhu Krishnan of Sunnyvale, California can name all the United States capitols, plus the capitol cities of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas! He is also learning multiple languages, including Span...


Seahenge is a circular timber monument dating from the Bronze Age, found off the coast of the English county of Norfolk at the village of Holme-next-the-Sea: Link [wiki]...

Stonefridge: Stonehenge Made of Refrigerators!

Adam Horowitz built Stonefridge, a Stonehenge-like monument made of 60 refrigerators in Santa Fe! Link...


If you think the Stonefridge above is weird, here's something else: Carhenge, a replica of the famous Stonehenge. It was built by Jim Reinders in 1987 using 38 automobiles! Links: Official Website | Carhenge [wiki] Stone...

Christmas Crimes.

Not everyone was nice on Christmas, here's a list of strange Christmas-related crimes:David Allen Rodgers, 42, was arrested December 3 on a charge of driving while intoxicated -- at the wheel of a float during the an...

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