Archive for December 24th, 2006

Apollo 8.

On Christmas Eve 1968, during the Apollo 8 mission, Astronauts Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, Jr, and William A. Anders, beamed home this holiday message as they orbited the moon (appoximately 240,000 miles above the e...

Don't Die Ding by Curiosity Group.

Now for something different this Christmas: Don't Die Ding by Curiosity Group. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]...

Gregory Euclide's Artwork

This one's called "The Wind and the Cobb." See more of Gregory Euclide's abstract landscape artwork here: Link...

Watermelon Head.

This has got to be the best watermelon carving evar! Thanks Blurb!...

OddPeak's Top Ten Most Bizarre People on Earth.

From OddPeak comes this neat article of the 10 Most Bizarre People on Earth. This one is Mehran Karimi Nasseri, an Iranian refugee who has been living in the departure lounge of Charles de Gaulle Airport since 1988 becau...

Wonder Why This Product Failed ...

Here's an ad from 1982 for a diet product that never caught on. Why? Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] to find out - via Steinbring Inc....

Dogs with Blogs.

If you were impressed by the collaborative work that went into the YouTube Community Choir video, you are going to love this! Dogs with Blogs “perform” Do They Know Its Christmas?...

Christmas Duet.

Do you all recognize the singers? No fair peeking. Via Signaleer in Afghanistan -- MERRY CHRISTMAS, RTO!!!...

The 2006 Census of Marine Life Revealed 500 New Marine Species.

Photo: Russ Hopcroft, University of Alaska FairbanksThe 2006 Census of Marine Life found 500 new species, including this one above called Cavolinia uncinata or the wing-footed snail:Cavolinia uncinata is a pelagic &q...

A Musical Rebus.

The answer to this rebus [wiki] is actually the name of an album by the band Whitey. Give up? See the answer here: - f...

Bugs Bunny in Drag.

The Interweb has got everything, including a website dedicated to Bugs Bunny [wiki] in drags (there's a surprisingly large number of episodes!):

Alberto Cerriteño's Artwork.

I quite like this Santa illustration by Alberto Cerriteño, created for Sugar Frosted Goodness. Actually, all of his artwork are fantastic: Link...

Stone Heads of Nemrut.

These stone heads on Mt. Nemrut in Turkey were built by King Antiochus Theos of Commagene, depicting himself and various Greek and Persian Gods: Link | Wiki...

Newspaper Front Pages from Around the World.

Today's Front Pages, a service of Newseum website is a must for news junkies. It provides the front pages of 463 newspapers (in PDF format) around the world: Link - via The Boomer Chronicles...

Nagi Noda Artwork.

We featured a video clip by Tokyo-born artist Nagi Noda before. Here's some more: (and if you want weird, there's her creation Hanpanda, sort of like a giant s...

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