What's the Difference: Miracle Whip vs. Mayonnaise.


The Dilemma: Two thick white dressings with similar flavor in similar-looking jars are bearing down on you from your refrigerator, and you're asking yourself just one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?

People You Can Impress: deli-goers and anyone killing time in the checkout line.

The Quick Trick: Taste them both side by side. The sweeter one is Miracle Whip.

The Explanation: In 1756, the French under Louis François Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, duc de Richelieu, captured Mahón on the Spanish-held island of Minorca. In honor of this victory, the duc's chef created a new dressing for his master: Mahonnaise. It wasn't until 1905, however, at Richard Hellmann's New York deli, that Americans got to taste the goods. But boy, did it catch on! Within seven years, he'd mass-marketed the condiment as Hellmann's Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise.

To be frank, mayo is one of those love-it-or-hate-it things. The lovers know that, in its most authentic form, mayo's a pretty simple affair: raw egg yolks, oil, lemon juice or vinegar, and spices. Not much room for improvement.

But in 1933, Kraft Foods though differently. Inventor Charles Chapman's patented emulsifying machine allowed regular mayonnaise to be evenly blended with cheaper dressings and more than 20 different spices (plus sugar). The result was Miracle Whip, which debuted at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair. Promising to create "Salad Miracles with Miracle Whip Salad Dressing," the Whip was an instant hit (Note: It's not known if the dressing is responsible for any non-salad-related miracles.)

The main difference between Miracle Whip and mayonnaise are the sweeteners: high-fructose corn syrup and sugar are the fourth and fifth ingredients, respectively, of Miracle Whip.

And a Word About Grey Poupon: While we're on the subject of condiments, we couldn't resist the opportunity to squeeze in a quick fact about mustard, or more specifically Grey Poupon. While it sounds hoity-toity, the name Grey Poupon isn't so much about the mustard's color as it is the names of two 18th-century big-time mustard firms from Dijon (run by guys cleverly named Maurice Grey and Antoine Poupon). The name can be a bit confusing, and even unappetizing, to French speakers, as poupon means "newborn baby."


From the book: What's the Difference by mental_floss, published in Neatorama with permission. Please visit mental_floss' website and blog for more fun trivia!

My girlfriend can only eat Hellmann's mayonaise... when she taste Miracle Whip she just gak and refuse to eat. I never tasted the difference.

And about the "Poupon" word, im french and it never occured to me before that it might have a french meaning. Now that you mentioned it I know but with the pronounciation of "Gray" before "Poupon" you just pronounce "Poupon" with the english accent and you forget the meaning of the word... for me anyway.

We dont say poupon often too...
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Bottom line: Miracle Whip is sweeter and has less eggs and oil.

If mayonnaise has 5 eggs and 1/3 cup of oil, the same volume of M.W. would have 3 eggs and 1/4 cup of oil + "thickener". Thickener is sweet. Nasty stuff on a sandwich, but possibly useful for salad dressings.
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I can't believe people can't taste the difference!

I only use mayo on sandwiches and miracle whip is only for tuna. You can't use them interchangeably! I've never understood why people do when I obviously taste them differently.
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I don't use mayo daily or even weekly sometimes, but when I do, I use DUKES! It's the best. When my family was stationed in England, my grandparents would ship it to us.
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I find them both delicious, but very interesting to hear the facts and other people's take on the two. Yes, I agree, there is a distinct difference in taste. Pop by to dish about condiments!
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Right on with squeezing in a little Grey Poupon fact - only the best mustard around. As an avid mustard devotee I created a blog along with Grey Poupon to provide the history of Grey Poupon Mustard and to show the new varieties they now offer. For a more thorough Grey Poupon history lesson check out the site at http://chefgreypoupon.com
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I avoid salad dressings because the additives make me swell. This is not just me, so beware of the reason Alzheimers is on the rise in society. It is not a disease you are bound to get, but one that is created by additives. This book shows how a researcher created the brain plaques in lab animals with a lifetime of MSG in drinking water. The MD author advised avoiding MSG especially if Alzheimers is in the family. My father died of it. I had already noted swelling 25 years ago. PLEASE beware you people in the public...these addicting dressings etc over a lifetime can be responsible for the rise in Alzheimers. The genetics of people are not changing as rapidly as the growing prevalence in prepared foods...intended to make people buy and eat more. It also causes overweight. It is in most fast foods.

"Excitotoxins, the taste that kills" Read the book, save your life now because later when you are diagnosed, it's too late.
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I just made a sandwhich with what I thought to be Mayo (because they both have similar jars!) and I was completly pissed off when I took a bite and it was Miracle Whip. UGH GROSSSSSSSS!!!!! I love Mayo, but Miracle Whip makes me want to barf.
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I've always been a fan of Miracle Whip, because it tastes quite similar to mayonnaise, but with that little extra sweetness and tang. On top of that, Miracle Whip is actually fairly good for your waistline at only 3 grams of fat per tablespoon, compared to something like 16-20 grams of fat per tablespoon of regular mayo.

The best is to mix together Miracle Whip and ketchup to dip your french fries in :)
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Miracle Whip became popular during the depression. It was much cheaper than real mayo. Many children of that era grew up thinking it was mayo so they never questioned it's smarmy, sweet taste. It is NOT mayo, it isn't even close. My grandmother used to feed that crap to us on Spam sandwiches w/Velveeta cheese (which is NOT cheese). She called them ham and cheese sandwiches. They were the worst. I can still taste that horrible concoction. She survived the great depression and probably had no idea what she was doing to me. Never again!
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I need help! I have Celiac Sprue and I cannot have anything that might contain "Glutens". I need the ingredients for Miracle Whip and cannot find them on this site. As for "Miracle Whip vs Mayo", I haven't liked Miracle Whip since the mid 70's when I lived in CA and they didn't sell Miracle Whip! Too sweet and yucky tasting for me! So, it's Mayo for me. Thank You for any help that might be given on this subject
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Jackie below are the ingredients; Yikes !!!Ingredients: Water, soybean oil, vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, modified food starch, eggs, salt, mustard flour, artificial color, potassium sorbate as a preservative, paprika, spice, natural flavor, dried garlic.
You should always try and stay away from HFCS, modified corn starch, artificial color, and sometimes natural flavor
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I tried Miracle Whip once. Once. It is *not* an adequate substitute for mayo. If I want all kinds of spices in my mayo, guess what, I can put 'em in there myself. It's not that hard.

As for the fat vs. less fat argument, miracle whip may have less fat than mayo per tablespoon, but it's got more sugar, sodium and carbohydrates.

Fact is, neither one is likely to kill you unless you're eating the stuff every single day and using tons of it. Moderation, people. Like anything else.

But there is a difference in the flavor and the people who can't taste it scare me.
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Wait, so if they are both made from RAW eggs, how come they can sit on the shelves for a year, but then need to be refridgerated after opened. Arent we at risk for food poisoning?

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So what if it's got 40% more calories? Use less. But fat vs. corn syrup should be a no-brainer -- HFCS is deadly. Fat will only really hurt you if you eat it to *excess*. Don't forget, fat, even if it is a lot of calories, is still *food*. High fructose corn syrup is a chemically modified saccharide that your body isn't designed to deal with correctly. Your brain, muscles, and everything else all work on *glucose*, which is one half of a sucrose molecule. The fructose does not burn directly. Ever. It must FIRST become storage fat, which must then be broken down and burned. So every time you suck down something with HFCS in it, that sweetener goes straight to your fat cells. Do not pass Go, do not collect 200 bucks.

But depending on what *kind* of fat was used to make your mayo, you might burn some of it first. Coconut oil, for example, is reputed to be a form of dietary fat that does not readily get stored, but instead burns almost like a carbohydrate.

Here's an example recipe.

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Mayo or Miracle Whip..... Doesn't matter they both make me gag. I've honestly tried to eat both and I cannot get either past my tongue without gagging.
When my family was on welfare my mother tried to make me eat mayo/cheese sandwiches. I literally sat for HOURS at the table refusing to eat. Almost as bad is eggplant YECH!
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Yeah Mayo wins by a landslide. Hellman's is really pushing their "pure" mayo, and they can be commended for that. It wins the most because it avoids using any corn syrup which, as previously mentioned, is horrible for you and your body simply cannot process it like it can with pure sugar (cane or beet derived).

North American food, especially American, relies heavily on corn products of all kinds - corn has been altered so much it is no longer its usual self. Fat in moderation is best - corn syrup and oil are to be avoided.
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well my motha got me mayo then she got me some miracle whip i was like what the hell mom i want mayo but miracle whip tastes amazing i never eat that stuff tho
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i absolutely cannot stand mayonnaise or miracle whip! yuckk! i do however, love aiolis. but only made with homemade mayonnaise. never jarred, or miracle whip.
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