Homeowner's Peace Sign Wreath Saga Resolved.

I heard about this a while ago: when homeowner Lisa Jensen put up a peace-sign wreath on her house near Pagosa Springs, Colorado, she was threatened with a $25 a day fine by the homeowners association!

Jensen was ordered to take the wreath down when some residents in her 200-home subdivision saw it as a protest of the Iraq war. Bob Kearns, president of the board, also said some saw it as a symbol of Satan.

The homeowners' association demanded Jensen remove the wreath from her house, saying it doesn't allow flags or signs that are considered divisive.

Now, apparently everything has been settled: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/bizarre/4364564.html

Seems like something out of dystopia - the community "doesn't allow flags or signs that are considered divisive"? And I thought peace went hand in hand with unity. Plus, the irony: most of the world would probably consider the American flag a "divisive" symbol.
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There was a ruling that said homeowner associations cannot prohibit anyone from flying an American flag. As long as it's displayed properly.

These are the reasons I'll never live somewhere like this. Gotta have at least 5 acres.
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