Archive for December 11th, 2006

What's the Difference: Idiot vs. Moron

The Dilemma: You want to assail someone's intelligence, but you don't know quite which word to use, which calls into question your own intellect.People You Can Impress: Well, idiots and...

Found: a Lost Parody.

Neatorama reader Andy Cochrane sent us The AV Club's latest spoof: Found (which mocks Lost, the TV show). The spoof is "the story of Rodney, the only survivor of the crash of Oceanic flight 815 to escape the island....

Golf Ball as a Bullet.

What happens when a golf ball is sent hurtling towards everyday objects, like a jar of mayonnaise, cantaloupe, ceramic bunny, birthday cake, or jello? Say No to Crack blog has the answers: Link - Thanks Anita!...

Michael Killian's Sideways Bike.

Michael Killian has come up with a new strange bicycle: a sideways bike!There's even a videoclip (his 2.0 model) [YouTube]: Link - Thanks Michael!...

Marooned on an Island, a Pride of Lions Evolved into Superlions.

A group of lions were marooned in a small island fifteen years ago when the course of the river changed. Instead of perishing, they've learned to swim and became strong (as well as large and smart) enough to hunt the onl...

Doorbells in Lisbon.

Posted on flickr byCTeresa: Link - via Gatochi's Only in Portugal...

Tree Climbing Collie.

A dog that climbs trees is threatening to steal the limelight from the hundreds of botanical species on show at the annual illuminated trail at Spetchley Park Gardens, Worcester. Holly, a short-haired collie owned...

Space Shuttle Discovery Fun Facts.

Nigel Cook / AP/Daytona Beach News-JournalSpace Shuttle Discovery Launch. This week's Cellar/Neatorama pick of the week is the spectacular photo is of the night launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery on December 9, 2006....

Mouse Angel.

Here's a stocking stuffer for that special someone on your list. From Mouse via Metaphor Voodoo....

Game Over.

This is clever! A video of classic arcade games such as Frogger, Asteroids, and Pac Man played with ordinary household items. Hit play or go to this link. (via YesButNoButYes)...


The song is called Hi. The musical group is Psapp. The video is a delightful stop-motion animation featuring dancing diodes, put together by the London animation studio Trunk. Link -via Everlasting Blort...

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