Revolymer, a company specializing in developing new polymers, have created the world's first non-stick chewing gum
Terence Cosgrove is the tech chief at Revolymer, the company that created this chewing gum. The candy can be washed away pouring water on it with soap: - via Junk Food Blog
Terence Cosgrove is the tech chief at Revolymer, the company that created this chewing gum. The candy can be washed away pouring water on it with soap:
"Gum base is a very complex mixture involving interactions of several components which give rise to the adhesion of gum base to a variety of surfaces. Using our technology, we have managed to change the surface characteristics of the gum base which will allow a stream of water or a mild soap solution to break the adhesion between chewing gum residues and surfaces such as paving stones, furniture, hair etc' " explained Professor Terence Cosgrove Revolymer's Chief Scientific Officer. - via Junk Food Blog
I eat puppies daily. But never 4yrolds, damn!