I suppose it's not much different than using a toothache relief product that contains any other local anesthetic. Benzocaine is available over the counter, and dentists regularly use Novocaine or Procaine to numb areas in the mouth. Most local anesthetics are little more than synthetic versions of cocaine that don't have some of coke's nasty & dangerous side effects, although cocaine is still used in some situations.
Of course, at about the same time, Winslow's Soothing Syrup and (I think it was named) Kopp's Baby Friend were marketed as a way to help children sleep -- not surprising since they were liberally laced with morphine!
Laudenum and opium were similarly available for the asking.
Comments (6)
"But Sarah, that's the fifth time today! Better have another one, I suppose..."
Laudenum and opium were similarly available for the asking.