My friend Diana at Cream of the Crock has quite a collection of vintage pharmaceuticals. She's gone out of her way to research the various ingredients in her "menthol snuff." Turns out she can . . .
CLEAN UP [with] Menthol - sometimes used "as a pesticide against tracheal mites of honeybees"
HARDEN UP [with] Epinine - a "Sympathomimetic, vasoconstrictor agent."
MAKE UP [with] Bismuth Oxychloride - "Bismuth is the by-product of lead and copper refining, ... it is a by-product of lead refining, bismuth oxychloride should be lead free when companies begin using it in their cosmetics."
THROW UP [with] Ammonium Chloride - "It is sold in blocks at hardware stores for use in cleaning the tip of a soldering iron and can also be included in solder as flux. Other uses include a feed supplement for cattle, in hair shampoo, in textile printing, in the glue that bonds plywood, as an ingredient in nutritive media for yeast, in cleaning products, and as cough medicine. Its expectorant action is caused by irritative action on the bronchial mucosa. This causes the production of excess respiratory tract fluid which presumably is easier to cough up. It is the active ingredient in many antiperspirants, usually used in aerosol antiperspirants."
PERK UP [with] Camphor - "It may also be administered orally in small quantities (50 mg) for minor heart symptoms and fatigue.
and BLOW UP [with] Lycopodium - "used in the past in fireworks, fingerprint powders, explosives, and as a covering for pills. In relation to that, the term "Lycopodium mask" is sometimes used to describe a type of flamethrower-mask worn by some music bands or artists on stage, such as Rammstein."