Archive for December 2nd, 2006

Japanese Medical Illustrations.

This collection of Japanese Medical Prints or Ukiyo-e is housed in the Clendening History of Medicine Library, at the Kansas University Medical Center. This group of prints is a small facet of the total donatio...

Live Action Hamster Video Game.

This poor hamster is stuck in a video game! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]...

Genetically Engineered Blood Protein Splits Water Into Hydrogen and Oxygen Atoms.

Scientists have created a genetically engineered blood protein that can split water into hydrogen and oxygen atoms:Professors Tsuchida and Komatsu from Waseda University, Japan, in collaboration with Imperial College...

World's Largest Text: LUECKE.

From one of my favorite blogs, The Presurfer:Close to Buescher State Park near Smithville in Texas you can find the world's largest text. By clearing forest so that a pattern would be visible to landing aircraft, a l...

Are the Pyramids Made from Concrete Blocks?

Material scientists are renewing claims that the great pyramids at Giza were partly made from cement-like blocks:But according to Professor Gilles Hug, of the French National Aerospace Research Agency (Onera), and Pr...

The Airplane House.

Photo: Craig Timberg / Washington PostSaid Jamal built made this airplane house for his wife Liza, who loves to travel:When the Jammals married in 1980, Said, now 48, taciturn and mustachioed, with a deep cleft in hi...

Recreating the Bayeux Tapestry.

Annette Banks spent more than 20 years to recreate the Bayeux Tapestry [wiki] all by herself to overcome hyperactivity (she has Cushing's Syndrome).Link - via Arbroath...

How Not To Be Seen.

How Not To Be Seen. How Not To Be Seen [wiki] [YouTube] is a popular sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus [wiki]. In it, the narator John Cleese stresses the importance of not being seen ...The sketch has been remade...

When Lawmakers Attack ...

In a bit of political drama that made the US 2000 Presidential Election [wiki] look like a neighborhood misunderstanding, Felipe Calderón [wiki] of the right-of-center National Action Party took oath as the Presid...

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Sets Own Lifespan.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [wiki] set its own lifespan (or death, if you will). The world's largest (transparently operated) charitable organization decided that there's no life in perpetuity in its future:*...

The End of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Galaxies collide, it's the way of the universe. In about 3 billion years, our Milky Way galaxy will cross path and collide with the Andromeda galaxy (which is much bigger).This simulation shows what's in store for our po...

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