Should the Germans Shoot This White Deer?


After the Norwegian "shoot or save the rare white moose" debate, it's the Germans' turn: just months after Germany decided to kill of the cuddly, yet violent, Bruno the Bear, the country now has to decide what to do with an albino deer:

Roaming the 900 hectare deer range at the foothills of the Erzgebirge Mountains in eastern Germany is a snow-white deer with pink eyes and skin. An albino deer -- one in 100,000 according to estimates by zoologists. Softened German hearts are bleeding. The animal should be protected, people say. "As a rarity and natural phenomenon, it should be allowed to live," a spokeswoman for the environment ministry of the state of Saxony said.

What she meant was, the cute little albino deer should be saved from death by rifle. Some hunters have already set their sights on the uncommon animal; a spectacle of nature to some is a freak of nature to others. Günter Giese, the president of the Saxony Hunting Federation, said: "The white deer is a mutation. It does not belong in the wild. It should be shot."


Before on Neatorama: Rare White Moose? Let's Shoot it, Said Norwegians.

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Look at the positive side of things. If all deer where white, they would be easier to spot and mabye there wouldnt be any roadkills? Enjoy the beauty of this animal instead of shooting it! If it does not have what it takes to survive, it will problaby just be killed by some kind of predator, be it man or wolf. But to kill it just because you can.. no thank you.
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i hate all hunters. F them all. ok so the frigin deer is white and albino. big frigin deal. ohhh i think it should be shot caus i have nothing better to do with my pathetic life. blah blah blah. stupid moronic people disgust me. stop hunting.
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wow lets shoot the deer cuz its mutant yeah if we went by that might as well shoot all albinos no matter what they are cow, tiger, human oh and lets go ahead and shoot retards to cuz there not like everyone else. stupid hunter....
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"The white deer is a mutation. It does not belong in the wild. It should be shot."

well if you believe the theory of evolution, everything that on earth is a mutant...

maybe everything should get shot
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