Archive for November 5th, 2006

Fruit Clock

From the website:A digital clock and calendar powered by food! This fruit powered digital clock and calendar combines micro-electronic technology with the natural electrical potential of a fresh fruit or vegetabl...

The Price of a Gallon

The Cockeyed staff have created a listing of a bunch of liquids available in normal or specialized stores. There you can see the prices from water (about $0 per gallon) to penicillin (round $300 per gallon)... Seems...

The audio tape nostalgia

The definitive collection of audio tapes on the net. Go and remember those not so far away times -as some of us still use them- when every song sounded blurry after the first week of use... Link...

The Mythology of Homeless Children

Apparently homeless children across the country have developed a complex mythology. Here is a taste of what some believe, from an article in the Miami New Times by Lynda Edwards (via Monkey Filter): On Christmas night...

Nasa Space Colony Artwork from 1970

It's part of the Space Setlement Homepage project and refers to the designs made by NASA artists back in the 70s. There's an annual contest about the space colony designs.

Chocolate igloo

It's 1.65 metres high and completely built with chocolate bricks. After 23 hours of build time, the igloo was shown in the Eurochocolate fair in Perugia, Italy. Link to the photo gallery - Via The Chocolate Obsession...

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