A Valued Employee.

Erna Cartwright turned 100 years old on October 31st. That in itself is noteworthy, but she has yet to retire! Ms. Cartwright is a bookkeeper for the Oshkosh City Cab Company, where she has worked for 60 years. She has had jobs for a total of 82 years. She says she has no plans to retire. http://www.thenorthwestern.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061031/OSH/610250481/1987

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Obviously she is capable, otherwise she would be fired. It's called a free market for a reason. Social Security is redundant in today's economy.
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He didn't say anything about "Making" them leave the workplace. However if she's capable and obviously qualified more power to her. If she's working because she has to though... that's just sad.
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Mark's comment is actually the real reason Social Security came into being - to encourage older workers to leave the workforce and make way for younger men to enter the workplace who did not have jobs.

Learn some history, people.
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Yeah, Mark, make them leave the workplace and fill up the already-overcrowded retirement homes instead. Their dignity and emotional health is secondary to some inexperienced young punk needing a job. /sarcastic

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