Archive for October 31st, 2006

A Valued Employee.

Erna Cartwright turned 100 years old on October 31st. That in itself is noteworthy, but she has yet to retire! Ms. Cartwright is a bookkeeper for the Oshkosh City Cab Company, where she has worked for 60 years. She has...

I Don't Have to Dress up My Dogs for Halloween

They dress themselves. This year, Charley dressed up as a piece of clean laundry, and Sami dressed up as an idiot.dogs, disguise, Halloween...

Vader Dog.

Must ... post ... one last Halloween pic! This one is Lola, Flickr user joevanwinkle's pet dog: Link [Flickr].If you like to dress up your dog for Halloween (or at least, like to see dogs in costume, especially Star Wars...

Weird Dummy Album Covers.

Will wonders never cease? Here are some weird viny album covers featuring dummies: - Thanks Roger!...

Neatorama Welcomes Gail Hapke of Scribal Terror!

I'd like to welcome Gail Hapke of Scribal Terror as a new author for Neatorama.Gail started Scribal Terror as a place for intelligent discourse; an oasis, she called it, where visitors can voice their opinion away from t...

Newspaper Rack BBQ Grill.

A while back, we featured Neatorama reader Steve Barker's custom-made Muscle Car BBQ Grill. Now, Steve has come up with a new grill: propane-operated newspaper rack grill!The door opens up to act as a table:For those who...

Sketch a Furniture in Thin Air.

Designed by Swedish design group FRONT. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Justelite!...

Pi, Visualized by Color.

You've probably seen Pi visualized with color [Flickr]. Now, you can play around with it here (change color of digits) : [Java applet] - Thanks Martin!...

New Cosmetic Surgery is All the Rage: Eyelash Transplant.

Apparently, it's a new trend in cosmetic surgery: Using procedures pioneered by the hair-loss industry for balding men, US surgeons are using 'plug and sew' techniques to give women long, sweeping lashes once achieve...

Look Ma! I Skewered a Ship Through My Mouth!

From the website: A Thai man carries a model of a ship,by a skewer through his cheeks, while participating in a parade during the vegetarian festival in Phuket, Thailand, October 28, 2006.What? How is this conne...

Killer Robot Chair.

If you see this chair, DO NOT sit on it! You've been warned: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Tinselman....

Irish-American Vampires Take Note

Ananova reports: Two Irishmen have set up a company selling dirt to Americans. Alan Jenkins, 65, from Lisburn and agricultural scientist Pat Burke, 27, from Tipperary, say the demand for the "official Irish dirt" h...

Lies Your Mother Told You.

The Lie: Lemmings commit suicide en masse.The Truth: Lemmings are stupid, not depressed. The myth of lemming suicide goes back a long way - at least to Freud, who in Civili...

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