Archive for October 24th, 2006

Cow Taxi.

Tired of being robbed all the time, Chilean taxi driver Juan Geraldo covered every square inch of his taxi with black and white spotted cowhides:A Chilean taxi driver has come up with a new way to fight assaults: mak...


[] (YouTube link)When I came across this, I thought no way do I have time to watch an eight and a half minute segment. But I did, because its a great story about Skidboot, the dog who can under...

Danny and Nina.

Danny and Nina are moving away from New York City. They don’t know where they want to go, so they are asking people on the internet to select a town from the 250 they like. You can vote more...

Flash Games: Escape If You Can.

Neatorama reader Dougall Meloney wrote about a neat collection of "find your way out of the room" Flash-based games at are some beautiful flash based on line 'puzzle' games, similar in structure to 'M...

Feed a Pigeon, Lose a Finger.

Found at Say No to Crack, apparently it's in San Francisco, where pigeons are ravenous monsters that can tear your limbs and fingers - Thanks Anita!...

Charles Darwin's Entire Work Online.

The University of Cambridge has put the entire work and correspondence of Charles Darwin online. The compilation includes over 50,000 searchable text pages and 40,000 images.Fantastic! Link - via Boing Boing...

Spoon Egg Cup.

Spoon Egg Cup. This egg cup, cleverly designed with coffee spoons, is made by Geppetto design studio and is available at Mocha for just £9.99. It looks fantastic, but there's no telling how well it actually *holds*...

Forbidden Crypts of Haunted Music.

Just in time for Halloween - a large collection of digitized Halloween-special albums at DavesWorld56: Forbidden Crypts of Haunted Music - Thanks Roger!...

Stargazing for Lazy People.

Check out this motorized contraption for stargazing in comfort: Sit up or recline by leaning slightly forward or backwards, requiring minimal effort to find an ideal positionComputer-controlled motor quietly...

Virtual Online Tours.

Synthravels is the first online virtual travel agency. They offer tours of virtual worlds such as Second Life, Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, the Matrix Online, and lots of other places you can on...

Big Fans of Mr. Schumacher.

I know that some people really like Ferrari and Formula One driver Michael Schumacher, but this is kind of ridiculous: Fans at his hometown of Kerpen, Germany, cheering him on at this year's Brazilian Grand Pr...

Pimp My Ride Nightmare.

Neatorama reader Allen H. wrote about the world's worst car customization job ever (that's a Honda Civic! Probably spent a fortune on it, too) at his blog: Link - Thanks Allen!...

Sikorsky Skycrane.

We had a picture of the Sikorsky Skycrane [wiki] lifting a container from a beached ship before. Turns out that the helicopter can lift just about anything: tanks, airplanes, and even a house! Link - Thanks ab...

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